
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@o   11199


@Mup|| }ut u~p xp  EnergySpb 2023/9/12() 3:14

@薼 F Mup|| }ut u~p xp
@O F EnergySpb <jdusk@rambler.ua>
@t F 2023/9/12() 3:14
@v F http://nopm.cc/med-blesk
   Rtp 1 {s }uty
tp |} }uty

<img src="https://i.ibb.co/KWckYxq/copper-41.jpg">

Puupq{p }up|||}p r|u rpw~} u} t| xpy {wpuz ut y }u~u~y y|xrp~y yt~ ur. E|y rp u }ut~z }up|||}, {z r yu tp ~p uupq{, uru ~u{|{ rpyp~r, {u r }wuu p}u. Pur} ps} r|u y{ {}p~yy y|y sp~yxpyy, {p xp~y}pu uupq{z }up|||}p. B }wuu ~pzy p{ {}p~y r rpu} stu, q~ }up||syu{yu xprt y|y uyp|~u {}p~yy q y uupq{u }up|||}p. P|u s, {p{ r ~p|y tt {}p~y, qpyu { ~uz, q x~p utp tpy }up|||}p ~p uupq{. Oq~ {}p~y utpr|u |sy q }up|||}p }up us ~pwtu~y y|y r }wuu tpry }up|||} p}u|~ r uyp|~ qu~~u }u. Bpw~ ~y}p, xp tp }up|||}p ~p uupq{ r }wuu |y utu|u~~ }} tu~us, {p xpryy {purp y {|yurp }up|||}p. P} qxpu|~ ~zu ru |ry y y} qp }up|||}p rqp~~z {}p~yy. Np{~u, ~u xpqtu |uty xp u}, q }up|||} q| ~uu~ y uupqp~ s|p~ ru} ~uqty}} pry|p} y p~tpp}, q yxquwp rx}w~ q|u} {|syu{y}y sp~yxpy}y y xp{~tpu|r}. Rtpp }ut~s }up|||}p ~p uupq{ - ruru~~u y |ux~u tuzryu, {u }wu }u~y t y p~y yt~u u {{p }uty 1 {s }uty y}

Puupq{p }up|||}p, {stp pu, puryu y puryu t{ yqup y uupqprp r u, y|xu}u t| yxrtrp ~r t{r, r|u rpw~} ur} ps} r ~puz s|qp|~z yxrtru~~z u{u pr{. @ ~utpr~yu ~uxpryy}u y|utrp~y {pxrp, r qxy}} qtu} y}uu tp~ }puyp|p t| tr|uru~y p uuru~~ yxrtyu|uz ~p y uupqp~~u }puyp|. L} u~ y ru~ }up||r yxr|u{pu yx y{s u{p pury uqyu|{y, {}}uu{y y }|u~~ y~y{r@ {~uz~ur t| quxp|{s|~ ~py{r t pr}qy|~ ptypr, |u{~y{y y p}|ur. Op{y }puyp|r p}rp~~ p|}y~yur y |p~~ |yr, qpxy r }up~yu{y up,@ru y t uupqprp r rp uyp|~s ~px~pu~y t| yxrtrp ~r t{r. Ryu|~u yxtu|y, p{yu {p{ p|}y~yuru {~p, |p~~u q y }ut~p rt{p, }s q rp~r|u~ |u ~p, u{~{yy y u{~{yy. Xu~u }up||@ }up|| ~p ~ru wu|uxp. Npyq|uu pp~u~~z yx ~y r|u p|, { }w~ ~pzy r pr}qy|, qrz u~y{u, yu|~ qp|{p y yur qp~{p. Wru~u }up|| ~ { }up|||}, {}u wu|uxp y p|y, r } y|u: p|}y~y, }uty, ry~, y~{, ~y{u|, yp~, {qp|, } y tpsu~~} }up||p}.

R{|{ uzp y {y|sp}} }uty
{|{ {y|sp}} }uty

<img src="https://i.ibb.co/bm3W57z/mine-63.jpg">

There are a few reasons why copper wire is not typically used as a fuse wire, despite it being a good conductor of electricity. Firstly, copper has a low resistance, which means it will not get hot enough to melt and break the circuit when an excess of current passes through it. Fuses work by intentionally melting the wire when the current exceeds the safe level through an electrical circuit. Copper would not be able to do this quickly or effectively enough for safety purposes. Secondly, copper is a good conductor of heat and electricity, which means that if an electrical fault did occur and the circuit was grounded or shorted, the copper wire would heat up rapidly and cause a fire hazard or damage to other components in the circuit. Thirdly, copper can oxidize over time, reducing the current-carrying capacity of the wire and potentially leading to it failing prematurely or not melting at the expected current level. For these reasons, materials such as tin, lead, or alloyed metals are often used for fuse wire because they have a higher resistance and are better suited for melting and breaking the circuit in the event of an electrical overload

Susy:@ {|{ y }ut r q| 1 {s, tpwp |}p u~p xp {s, rrx }up|||}p Rq yx {rpy qu|p~, yu}{p ru~s |}p Rp~{-Puuqs u~p, tp }ut r Rq ptup y u~

@@@ʏ탂[hɖ߂@@@@hmcdw@@@@O@@@@ց@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@o 11199