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Lpxu~u tp|u~yu
 Lazernoe_yzpn E-MAILWEB  - 2024/7/18() 12:16 -

   Kp{yu q~u u{ }s rx~y{~ |u tp|u~y py||} |pxu}?
Pq~u u{ |u tp|u~y py||} |pxu} q~ }y~y}p|~ y }s r{|p {p~u~yu, u{, |us{yu {ruu~y y qpxrp~yu {u{ ~p }uu tp|u~y. B ut{y |p rx}w~ y~u{yy y qpxrp~yu qr. A|y~r q~ u{r t p}u|~ r uu~yu ~u{|{y t~uz.
What are the potential side effects after laser removal of papillomas?
Side effects after laser removal of papillomas are usually minimal and may include redness, swelling, slight bleeding, and crust formation at the removal site. In rare cases, infections and scarring may occur. Most side effects resolve on their own within a few days.
6 hits

Lpxu~u tp|u~yu Lazernoe_yzpn 2024/7/18() 12:16

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