BugBrowser BBS
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Mypy Musp pz
 HarryCopsy E-MAILWEB  - 2024/10/17() 1:12 -

   Musp pz. Megaweb 1 tp{~u }p{u|uz r RNC.

{pxy~ Kpxpp~
 Williambicit E-MAILWEB  - 2024/10/16() 20:05 -

   O~-|pz~ {pxy~ r Kpxpp~u: X ~w~ x~p
O~-|pz~ {pxy~ p|y |~}y uty wyu|uz Kpxpp~p yx-xp tqr, px~qpxy ys y rx}w~y rysp. N uut u} {p{ ~pp ys, s|pr~ px}u ~u{u {|uru pu{.
Lusp|~ pxp~ ys
B Rp~u Kpxpp~u pxp~u ys us|y xp{~}. Hp{~tpu|r txr|u |yu~xyrp~~} ys~} xprutu~y} rty r tuu|~, y ~u{yu ~-|pz~ {pxy~ |y|y ttyu |yu~xyy. Puut ysz qutyu, rqp~~u rp}y {pxy~ |usp|~ y ~up~.
@y}u~ ys
O~-|pz~ {pxy~ tu|p |y~u ut|wu~yu y{yz rq ys, r{|p |, ys r {p, |u{ y wyr xpqpr ty|up}y. P|~ |x ysru pr}p, {u ut|psp px|y~u u} y q~~u ~{yy. Sp{wu u xpqpr y|syuz, p{yu {p{ {u y q|{twu{, uqyu pusyu{s }|u~y.
A~ y p{yy
M~syu ~|pz~ {pxy~ tu|p |y~u ut|wu~yu utu q~ t| ~r ys{r, r{|p yruru~~u p{u, quxrx}uxt~u rpu~y y {q{. Ox~p{}u {yuy}y |u~y y sp q~r, q u~ u{yr~ y|xrp y ut|wu~y.
Rq |p
{pxy~ ~|pz~ ttuwyrp px|y~u }ut |p, r{|p {p qp~{r, |u{~~u {u|{y y {yrp|. Bquyu q|uu tp~z rp} q, rxyp ~p {}yyy y {y qpq{y |puwuz.
Auxp~ ys{r@ty~ yx s|pr~uzy {pur. Tqutyu, {pxy~ uq|u yrp~yu tp~~ y ~ptuw~u }ut xpy, q rpy |y~u y tu~uw~u tp~~u q|y r quxp~y.
Oruru~~p ysp
@xp~u ys }s rxrp xpryy}, } s|pr~ ysp ruru~~. Tp~ryu |y}y ~p uyt y tu~sy, {u r sr py, y ~y r {p{u ru} ~u yspzu r ~yy p|{s|~s ~u~y.
O~|pz~ {pxy~ }s ut|wy r|u{pu|~u pxr|uu~y y p~ ~p rys, t~p{ rpw~ tty { } w~. Ox~p{}u pry|p}y y rquyu ~ptuw~u |p}, q rpp xpqprp q|p ~up~z y y~z.
Kpxy~ Kpxpp~: Oqx ~pyy ys
Kpxpp~ r |ut~yu st p| xp}u~} ys{} ~p ~{u pxp~ ys. R pxryyu} ys~z y~tyy y |usp|yxpyuz {pxy~ r tu usy~r p~, |qyu|y pxp~ pxr|uu~yz |y|y rx}w~ ~p|pwtp y{y} rq} ysr pr}pr, ~p|~ ys y tsy ruu|yz. B z pu } p}y} ~pyyu xpqpr, {u ut|pspu {pxy~ Kpxpp~.
1. Isru pr}p
Isru pr}p@, qux|r~, p}p yxru~p {pusy pxp~ ys r Rp~u Kpxpp~u. O~y xpr|u{p ys{r {z spy{z, xp~y}pu|~}y wup}y y rx}w~ rysp {~u twu{. Puty ~pyy ysr pr}pr, t~ r {pxpp~{y {pxy~, }w~ rtu|y:
- Book of Ra@{|py{p wp~p usyu{z u}py{z, xr|p ys{p} y|utrp { tur~y yp}yt.
- Gonzo's Quest@~y{p|~z pr}p 3D-spy{z, stu ys{y tq| {~{ypt C~x {yrp {ryp.
- Mega Moolah@|~z pxu} suyr~} twu{}, {z wu tu|p| }~sy ys{r }y||y~up}y.
2. Np|~u ys
Np|~u xpqpr@ uu t~p rpw~p {pusy, {p |xu ru|y{y} } uty ys{r. B {pxpp~{y {pxy~ }w~ ~pzy px~qpx~u rpypyy ptyy~~ ~p|~ ys:
- A|{twu{@t~p yx p} }t~ {p~ ys, r {p{} }uu ~r~p xptpp ys{p@~pqp 21 { y|y rzy ~p{|{ }w~ q|ywu { z yu, ~u urp uv.
- Q|u{p@pxp~p ysp ruy} {|u}, r {p{} }uu ys{y tu|p pr{y ~p y|p y|y ru. Kpxpp~{yu {pxy~ ut|psp {p{ uruz{, p{ y w~p}uy{p~{ |u{.
- P{u@tp~~z ryt ys ut|pspu s}~u {|yur rpyp~r, r{|p Sup{yz V|tu} y O}wu~~z {u, y r|u up|~} yp~yu} t| pusyu{s }|u~y ys{r.
3. Luuy y tsyu xpqpr
Nu{u {pxpp~{yu {pxy~ p{wu ut|psp |uuy y ~y{p|~u ys, {u }s yr|u ~pu r~y}p~yu ys{r. Htu:
- Qpxu}-}py~ suyr~}y twu{p}y@r {p{} }uu p pr{ ys{r ytu ~p qyz ~t, y rysy }s tysp r~yu|~ }}.
- Ay~s@|~p xpqprp ~p tp, {p qypu ys{r y ry p}u uty~rp y |p.

Qu{~{y qu{
 ufattKar E-MAIL  - 2024/10/16() 19:48 -

   Npy{y qp{y{z {~y
Npy{y xp~y}p qu }u r qp{y{z {~u. K}, u}u~yrp~~z ~py{ yx {q|us }|{p, q|ptpu }~wur} |ux~ rzr. Pu us ysr|u~y uqu uyp|~ ~pr{r y x~p~yz, uutprpu} yx {|u~y r {|u~yu.

Dsz ptyy~~z ~py{@qp{y{yz }utrz ~py{. O~ sry yx ~pp|~s }utp y pr, ytpy u} qz r{ y p}p. Sp{z ~py{ p tpu ~p pxt~y{y y u}uz~u wurp. Tx~pzu q|u ~p ufatimes.ru.

Ryp|~u sp}} usy~p

 Williamwak E-MAILWEB  - 2024/10/16() 19:33 -

   pr}p ysp
ysru pr}p tu}

Cp|p{y P Rp~{-P
 Cathypoums E-MAIL  - 2024/10/16() 18:18 -

   ` |p quutrp~yu r {}p~yy Cp|p{y P r Rp~{-Puuqsu, ~ptuz ptu |yp Rptrp, 28-30 y uy|p tu|y ry} tq~} xr} ~uz. B-ur, }~u ~pry| r ruz uu~y {rtyu|. O~ {pxp| ru}p yru|yr} y ry| s|q{yz y~uu { }y} ~pr{p} y . B ru} quutrp~y } ru|y t{yr~z pxsr, y q|p rup|u~p us uy~p|yx}u y ttu { pqu. Oy {}p~yy {pxp| y~}, |usp~~} y ru}u~~}. B~y}p~yu { tup|} ryt~ r {pwt} }uu. I~uu xtpu p}u p, {p qru {}~z pqu. ` q|p |wyu|~ tyr|u~p }, {p{z t q| tu|u~ sp~yxpyy pqy }u y qy p~r. Sp{wu, ~ptu }u~ wtu qu~yu y y~{pw r uu~yu 3 t~uz. ^ u~ rpw~ t| }u~, p{ {p{ wu|p q }p{y}p|~ srz y u{yr~ r|y ~p {}p~y p}s ~pp|p. ` ruu~p, qu~yu qtu sp~yxrp~ y }wu }~u r~y{~ r tup|y pq y xptpy, {}y qt p|{yrp. B u|}, p|p tr|~p wtu~yu} quutrp~y r {}p~yy Cp|p{y P r Rp~{-Puuqsu, ~ptuz ptu |yp Rptrp, 28-30. Q{rtyu| rxrp| |wyu|~u }yy, y rup|y| y|~} y ru}u~~} y~uu}, p utuu qu~yu y y~{pw truwtp, {}p~y tu|u rpw~u r~y}p~yu tsr{u ~r t~y{r. ` u~ ptp, |y|p rx}w~ yuty~y { p{z uu{yr~z sp~yxpyy.

 AngelaVurce E-MAIL  - 2024/10/16() 17:40 -

   |uu ~|pz~ {pxy~ ~p tu~sy
|uu ~|pz~ {pxy~ ~p up|~u tu~sy

I~{} E{puy~qs
 JanieFaP E-MAIL  - 2024/10/16() 14:39 -

   ` |p quutrp~yu r {}p~yy I~{} E{puy~qs, {p ~pty ptu u. Kp~z, t.13 y u|p q tu|y ry} tq~} xr} ~uz. B-ur, }~u prp| {rtyu|. O~ {pxp| ru}p yru|yr} y ry| s|q{yz y~uu { }y} ~pr{p} y . B ru} quutrp~y } ru|y |ux~z typ|s, y p|p r rsu us uy~p|yx}u y ttu { pqu. Oy {}p~yy {pxp| {}~}, |usp~~} y ru}u~~}. B~y}p~yu { tup|} ryt~ r {pwtz tup|y. I~uu xtpu p}u p, {p qru tq~} t. ` q|p r rsu }, {p{z t q| tu|u~ putu|u~y pqy }u y qy p~r. Sp{wu, wytp }u~ wtu u qu~y y y~{pwp r uu~yu 3 t~uz. ^ {pz~u rpw~ t| }u~, p{ {p{ ~p}uu~p q pq|~ srz y u{yr~ r|y ~p {}p~y p}s ~pp|p. ` ruu~p, qu~yu qtu sp~yxrp~ y }wu }~u r~y{~ r tup|y pq y xptpy, {}y qt p|{yrp. B u|}, rup|u~p wtu~yu} quutrp~y r {}p~yy I~{} E{puy~qs, {p ~pty ptu u. Kp~z, t.13. Q{rtyu| rxrp| q|psy~u rup|u~y, y rup|y| y|~} y ru}u~~} y~uu}, p utuu qu~yu y y~{pw truwtp, {}p~y tu|u rpw~u r~y}p~yu tsr{u ~r t~y{r. ` u~ ptp, |y|p rx}w~ yuty~y { p{z uu{yr~z sp~yxpyy.

RPA S}u~ Mp{y}p
 Dellainalf E-MAIL  - 2024/10/16() 12:37 -

   ` |p quutrp~yu r {}p~yy RPA S}u~, ~ptuz ptu: |yp Mp{y}p C{s, 44, y 608 y uy|p tu|y ry} tq~} xr} ~uz. B-ur, }~u u~ ~pry| {rtyu|. O~ {pxp| yru|yr} y ry| s|q{yz y~uu { }y} ~pr{p} y . B ru} quutrp~y } ru|y |tr~z pxsr, y |y|p |wyu|~u rup|u~yu us uy~p|yx}u y ttu { pqu. Oy {}p~yy {pxp| ~}, {pyr} y ru}u~~}. B~y}p~yu { tup|} ryt~ r {pwt} }uu. I~uu xtpu tq~ qp~r{, {p qru tq~} t. ` q|p r rsu }, {p{z t q| tu|u~ sp~yxpyy pqy }u y qy p~r. Sp{wu, wytp }u~ wtu uyt qu~y y rrt~s y~{pwp r uu~yu ~utu|y. ^ u~ rpw~ t| }u~, p{ {p{ wu|p q }p{y}p|~ srz y {pxrp ux|pyr~ p}s ~pp|p. ` ruu~p, | {puru~~u qu~yu, {u }wu }~u ry tup|y pq y xptpy, {}y |{~. B u|}, p|p tr|~p wtu~yu} quutrp~y r {}p~yy RPA S}u~, ~ptuz ptu: |yp Mp{y}p C{s, 44, y 608. Q{rtyu| rxrp| q|psy~u rup|u~y, y rup|y| ru}u~~} y y|~} tyxpz~}, p wytpu}z u qu~y y y~{pwp truwtp, r {}p~yy ytp rpw~ qu~y ~r t~y{r. ` qux}u~ ptp, |y|p rx}w~ yuty~y { p{z uu{yr~z sp~yxpyy.

u} |ypu pu|
 Clydefax E-MAILWEB  - 2024/10/16() 12:28 -

   Auction house withdraws shrunken heads and other human remains from sale following outcry
|yy {ppyy pu||yy
{tp yty q pxruy
~pp|p pu||y y|y {ppy
{p{yu t{}u~ ~w~ t| tpy ~p pxrt r xps
y tt
{p{ }w~ pxruy qux tp
r {p{yu t~y }w~ tp xpr|u~yu ~p pxrt r xps
{p{ tp ~p pxrt r xps
{~|py yp qp~{r{y} rp}
{p{ yty pxrt uux xps

An auction house in England has withdrawn human remains, including shrunken heads and ancestral skulls, from sale following an outcry.

The Swan auction house in Tetsworth, Oxfordshire withdrew more than two dozen lots from an upcoming auction titled gThe Curious Collector Sale,h including an 18th-century Tsantsa shrunken head, which was expected to fetch ?20,000-?25,000 ($26,000-$33,000) and was previously owned by Hugh Hefner, founder of Playboy magazine.

Other withdrawn lots include an ancestral skull from the Solomon Islands, another from the Fon tribe in Benin and a double ancestor skull from Congo.

The planned sale of another piece, described as a 19th-century horned Naga human skull, drew criticism from Neiphiu Rio, Chief Minister of the Indian state of Nagaland.
Rio wrote to Indiafs External Affairs Minister, S. Jaishankar, asking him to intervene gto ensure that the auction of the human remains of our people is halted.h

In his letter, Rio said he had been informed about the auction by the Forum for Naga Reconciliation (FNR), a grouping of organizations that works to reconcile different Naga political groups, some of which have engaged in armed struggle for independence from India in recent decades.

In its letter to Rio, the FNR said it gcondemns this inhumane and violent practice where indigenous ancestral human remains continue to be collectorfs items.h

gSuch auctions continue the policy of dehumanization and colonial violence on the Naga people,h it added.

Another of those to criticize the planned sale was Laura Van Broekhoven, director of the Pitt Rivers Museum, which is part of the University of Oxford.

gPlease, immediately pull from tomorrowfs auction the human and ancestral remains of Naga, Shuar, Dayak, Kota, Fon, Vili people and other communities in Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Nigeria, Congo, Ecuador, Nagaland, Benin,h she wrote in a post on X on Tuesday.

{|{ y pqy
 Robertgrags E-MAILWEB  - 2024/10/16() 12:28 -

   @tr{p M{r{z {||usyy ptr{pr Apy~ y}u ~u}p|z pq r px|y~ sp~yxpy y uwtu~y, r } y|u r {pu, sp~p r~u~~y tu|, tp, |wq tuq~ yprr, }y~yuru yyy, y|~yu|~ sp~p r|py, {~ stpru~~ {py, r p~ xpquw~ y yz{y {}p~y, p p{wu r }~sy tsy {p y sp~yxpy.
pu~{y ptr{pr s|r~} tu|p} r }{ru
ptr{p xu}u|~} p} }{rp
pu~{y ptr{pr pqypw~} tu|p}
y} |s ptr{pp spwtp~{y} tu|p}
y} |s ptr{pp pqypw~} tu|p} r }{ru
u~ ~p ptr{pp s|r~} tu|p}
yx~p~yu prp |xrp~y wy|} }uu~yu} tsr yp|~s ~pz}p
y} ptr{pp spwtp~{y} tu|p} r }{ru u~
u~p ptr{pp pt}y~ypyr~} tu|p}
|sy ptr{pp pt}y~ypyr~} tu|p}

@tr{p{p {~p y r|u K||usyuz ptr{pr M{r y M{r{z q|py, {|{ quty~u@r{{rp|yyyrp~~ ptr{pr M{r y ptr{pr M{r{z q|py. _y ~puz s prr {}p~yz utpr| ~p uyyy Spsp~{s pz~p r u~u M{r ru ryt ytyu{y |s@sp~yxpy} y spwtp~p}.

Np yyp|~} pzu M{r{z st{z {||usyy ptr{pr "Apy~"@B }wuu ~pzy, wp|z,@t~y yx |y ptr{pr y yr@ |q} ytyu{} r, r } y|u p}} |w~} tu|p} y tuq~} p}.

B ~puz ptr{p{z y}u pqp sp}~u y ~u y@r q|py s|r~s, spwtp~{s, wy|y~s, u}uz~s, ~p|utru~~s, u}uz~s, xu}u|~s, trs, prs, ~p|srs, {pyr~s, pqypw~s, pt}y~ypyr~s y tsy p|uz prp. E|y B ~wtpuu r ytyu{z }y, xtu B }wuu ~pzy y{ ~w~ pzr .

{py~{yz ~}u u
 Davidtam E-MAILWEB  - 2024/10/16() 12:23 -

   Byp|~z ~}u u|u~p: y t| us ~ ~wu~?

Byp|~z ~}u u|u~p@ ~}u, {z ~u yrxp~ { utu|u~~} yxyu{} zr y }wu y|xrp ~p px|y~ |p}p. Sp{yu ~}up {p{ q~ utpr| uux ruq-ury y }s r| y}u~u~ t| px~ u|uz.

Kp{ pqpu?

{py~{yz ~}u u|u~p pqp uux p}~u u~|syu{yu u y yqpr|u~y, {u qpqprp s|ru rxr y u{ru yxruu~y. P|xrpu| }wu usyyrp ~p uyp|~z |p}u, |p ~}u, {z xpu} }w~ y|xrp t| rxy {p{ q{~ru~~}y u|u~~}y pppp}y, p{ y tsy}y ryp|~}y ~}up}y.

Purtrp ryp|~ ~}ur:

1. K~ytu~yp|~: Byp|~u ~}up xr| p~y rp qru~~ y~}py r quxp~y, utpr| rx}w~ xr~y y |p yxruu~ qux p{y rpus ~r~s ~}up.

2. Cyq{: B }wuu y|xrp ty~ ~}u t| px~ u|uz@t| qyx~up, usypyy ~p ruq-pzp |yq qu~y tx}y, ~u r|~ {uu~yy {~p{r.

3. D~: Byp|~u ~}up t~ r |q} }uu t} r y~u~u. ^ ~utpwpu} tq~ t| |tuz, p uury.

4. ^{~}y: Py }~syu rpztu tu|p |y~u ut|wu~yu yq|~u py ~p }uwt~pt~u xr~{y y yxru, }wu ru{ {py rpy pt.

Nutp{y ryp|~ ~}ur:

1. Osp~yu~~u ~{yy: Nu ru ryp|~u ~}up ttuwyrp SMS |yq MMS, }wu sp~yyrp rp rx}w~ px}u~p }|y}utyz~}y qu~y}y.

2. Hpryy} ruqp: Kpur rxy }wu xpryu {y rpus ruq-uty~u~y.

3. @~~y}~: Nu{u ury }s ~u xr| x~p }u px}uu~y y|y ytu~yy{py q|ptpu| ~}up.

Byp|~u ~}up u|u~r p~r ru q|uu |~}y q|pstp qru~~z tqr y syq{y. O~y utpr| }~wur q~uz {p{ t| |y~s y|xrp~y, p{ y t| qyx~up. Puwtu u} rqp ury, s|pr~ r~y}pu|~ x~p{}y us |ry}y y pyp}y, q rqp p}u ttuu uu~yu t| rpy ~wt.

 Anthonyrog E-MAILWEB  - 2024/10/16() 11:44 -

   Elon Musk has been getting Trumpier. A direct line to Trump may be next

Elon Musk has sought to accumulate political capital commensurate with his extravagant wealth. In the past year, Musk has publicly opined on global conflicts, met with numerous world leaders and US senators to discuss artificial intelligence and his space and satellite technologies. And he has courted senior Chinese officials on their home turf.

Now he is reportedly exploring what could be his next political project: Becoming an adviser to Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for president, according to a report from the Wall Street Journal.
Musk has discussed advising Trump should he win the 2024 election, the Journal reported, citing unnamed sources. Musk called Trump directly via cellphone to explore a role that could potentially give Musk significant influence over US policies. Itfs not clear based on the Journalfs reporting which party initiated conversations about the potential role.

The Trump campaign did not respond to CNNfs requests for comment; Musk also did not respond to the Wall Street Journal, but Brian Hughes, a Trump campaign spokesperson, told the outlet: gPresident Trump will be the only voice of what role an individual plays in his presidency.h

Musk pushed back on the Journal report in a post on X Thursday, saying: gThere have not been any discussions of a role for me in a potential Trump Presidency.h

However, a potential role in a future Trump administration could expand upon the role that Musk played in the previous Trump administration, when he served on two business advisory councils before quitting them over Trumpfs decision to pull out of the Paris climate agreement.

The privilege of whispering in Trumpfs ear, should he win reelection, could give the billionaire@who is increasingly steeped in the rhetoric and imagery of the conservative culture wars@even more power on the global stage. Reporting that Musk and Trumpfs relationship has improved comes after Muskfs politics have become more aligned with Trumpfs.

Musk has made supporting right-wing causes@and extremism, in some situations@increasingly central to his identity. He has vocally opposed Covid-19 lockdowns and embraced anti-vaccine ideology. He has elevated conservative speech on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter that he purchased in 2022. And he has pushed racist conspiracy theories about immigration.

ptr{p wy|y~}
 DustinTer E-MAILWEB  - 2024/10/16() 11:43 -

   M{r{p {||usy ptr{pr@ytyu{p }, |sy ptr{pp r M{ru
xps {q{s pz~p ptu
u~ ru}u~~s tuwp~y y~p~~ spwtp~ p}qr
~}u u|u~p xpsp u~p|~s pz~p
ppr uyu}~y{ t| }ysp~r u|u~
sp~ xpsp
{p{ x~p { {p{} xps ~y ptu
yxru~u ptr{p r }{ru
rys usur{ ptu
rys }rt yy
{p{ pxruy u|y }w yty r }u

Aux p~y{y! T rp |wy|p t~p wyx~u~~p ypy? Bx~y{|p q|u}p r q|py prp? Nw~p ytyu{p }? Nu p~y{zu, } qxpu|~ }wu} rp} pxqp! R } ~pus pzp, r }wuu rxp s|r~}y ptr{pp}y y yp}y M{r{z {||usyy ptr{pr y|y ptr{pp}y r ts} stu, |y ytyu{ {~|py ~} rp}, ~u rt yx t}p.

P}~yu! E|y rp |wy|p t~p y|y ~p prrp ypy, u|y r ~y}puu, ~u pr|uu p}y, |u {p{ }w~ p~u qpy xp } { ptr{p, yxquwpr y } ~uq|psy~ |utryz. Xp p}u|~ tu|p~~p truyu|u} pqp r tp|~uzu} }upu pqu ptr{pp ~pt tu|}.

P} ptr{pp yxqpry rp |y~y uuwyrp~yz, {~}y rpu ru} y }wu yxquwp |uty y~p~r xpp. K}u s, r p{y |p, {p{ s|r~u u|utrp~yu, xpyp ptr{pp pq|~ ~uqty}p.
O K||usyy
M{r{p {||usy ptr{pr@ ~u{}}uu{p sp~yxpy, {p ~p wu~yy t|yu|~s ru}u~y {pxrpu {rp|yyyrp~~ ytyu{ } spwtp~p} y sp~yxpy}. B M{r{z {||usyy ptr{pr ru uyp|y ry} ytyu{y} qpxrp~yu}; ~py ptr{p, y |u~yy pp, rtuwp|y |w~z {rp|yy{py~~z {xp}u~, y}u r~yu|~z y u~ }~s|u~ tuq~ p{y{. B {||usyy |wp {p{ tru ptr{p, p{ y xp|wu~~u, y}uyu p Pu~z ptr{p Qyy.

Kpwtz ptr{p ~puz M{r{z {||usyy ptr{pr y~y| ys ptr{pp. D| ~p ~u |rp: Swuru~~ {|~ u~ y tqru~ y|~ qxp~~y ptr{pp, xpyp prp, rqt y y~uu truyu|uz, {rtr K~yyuz Qyz{z Uutupyy, xp{~} y {tu{} uy~p|~z y{y ptr{pp.

 FrancisNus E-MAILWEB  - 2024/10/16() 11:35 -

   A series of cosmic outbursts
Pons-Brooks recently captured the attention of astronomers after exhibiting intriguing behavior that caused the comet to have a horned appearance and soar through our solar system.
The comet has experienced a number of outbursts during the past eight months, causing it to eject gas and dust. While such releases are not uncommon in comets and a crescent or Pac-Man shape has been observed in other ones, itfs difficult to tell what is normal for Pons-Brooks.
gI would say itfs somewhat unusual in the number of outbursts itfs been having,h Schleicher said. gOn the other hand, itfs not like you have good records from the past to really let you know what is typical. And I suspect given the fairly large number of outbursts that have happened over the last eight months, that this is very clearly a usual occurrence for Pons-Brooks.h

Comets are chunks of dust, rock and ice, essentially frozen remnants from the formation of the solar system. They also contain frozen elements such as carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide.

Comets heat up and brighten as they approach the sun, and some of the frozen gases stored in comets donft need to warm up much before they begin to turn into vapor, Schleicher said.

y u}uz~} t
 ClementVab E-MAILWEB  - 2024/10/16() 10:43 -

   @tr{p M{r
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M u~ xpypu} prp y rqt ytyu{y y yxyu{y |y. K|p|~z y xpp ~y{p|~z , p p{wu r{p {rp|yy{py ~py t~y{r xr| ~p} tysp ux|pp, r }p{y}p|~z uu~y rupus y~uup} {|yu~p. Npy uyp|y r ptr{p{z p|pu {p ~p ust~~yz tu~ r|u ~pyq|uu pryu~z r Qyy. A|pstp }~s|u~~} q|ypu|~} qutp} r s}{y y, }~u~y }~sy, quuu{yr~ tu|p, ~py t~y{y ~y{p|y rpwu~yu ~u |{ r QU, ~ y xp quw}.
E|y rp} ~wu~ ptr{p r M{ru qpyu { ~p} y r |yu {rp|yyyrp~~ } r uu~yy rpy q|u}. Kp{ {pxrpu p{y{p, r q|y~ru tu|, r { y~y}p|y pyu ~py ptr{p, t r~y| uu~yu r |x y {|yu~r. K}u s, } ur|u} prp~yu ruz ruru~~y ~p 5 }|~ q|uz. Sp{yu spp~yy rp} ~u ut|wy ~y t~p ytyu{p {}p~y.

Ry }uy, xp ru ru}, pqpu ~pp {}p~y ~u q| uutu~p, {stp r ux|pu tuzryz ~py uyp|yr {|yu~ q| q ~p~uu~ uq y rx~y{|p ~uqty} r prz ttuw{u.

ryp|~z ~}u t
 Davidtam E-MAILWEB  - 2024/10/16() 10:29 -

   Byp|~z ~}u u|u~p: y xpu} ~ ~wu~?

Byp|~z ~}u u|u~~s pppp@ ~}u, {z ~u yrxp~ { utu|u~~} yxyu{} zr y y|xu ~p px~ |p}p. Sp{yu ~}up q~ utpr| uux y~u~u-ury y }s q y}u~u~ t| px~ u|uz.

Kp{ pqpu?

ryp|~z ~}u t| rpp pqp uux p}~u u~|syu{yu u y yqpr|u~y, {u qpqprp s|ru rxr y u{ru yxru. P|xrpu| }wu usy ~p uyp|~z |p}u, |p ~}u, {z xpu} }w~ y|xrp t| rxy {p{ q{~ru~~}y u|u~p}y, p{ y y~}y ryp|~}y ~}up}y.

Purtrp ryp|~ ~}ur:

1. K~ytu~yp|~: Byp|~u ~}up txr| p~y rp |y~ y~}py r quxp~y, utpr| rx}w~ xr~y y |p yxruu~ qux p{y rpus s|pr~s ~}up.

2. Cyq{: B }wuu y|xrp ty~ ~}u t| px~ u|uz@t| qyx~up, usypyy ~p pzp |yq qu~y tx}y, ~u qu{ {uu~yy {~p{r.

3. D~: Byp|~u ~}up t~ r |q} }uu t} r y~u~u. ^ ~uq{~ru~~ {}~ t| |tuz, p p~ry.

4. ^{~}y: M~syu rpztu ut|psp yq|~u py ~p }uwt~pt~u xr~{y y yxruu~, }wu x~pyu|~ {py rpy pt.

Nutp{y ryp|~ ~}ur:

1. Osp~yu~~u ~{yy: Nu ru ryp|~u ~}up ttuwyrp SMS y|y MMS, }wu sp~yyrp rp rx}w~ q}u~p }|y}utyz~}y qu~y}y.

2. Hpryy} ruqp: Kpur rxy }wu xpryu {y rpus y~u~u-uty~u~y.

3. @~~y}~: Nu{yu ury }s ~u xr| x~p }u px}uu~y y|y ytu~yy{py qru~~y{p ~}up.

Byp|~u ~}up u|u~~ pppr p~r ru q|uu |~}y q|pstp ruz tqr y syq{y. O~y utpr| }~wur rx}w~uz {p{ t| qru~~s y|xrp~y, p{ y t| qyx~up. Puut u} {p{ rqp ury, y~yyp|~ yp|~ x~p{}y us {yuy}y y pyp}y, q yxqp p}u ttuu uu~yu t| rpy ~wt.

ru}u~~z ~}u {px
 Davidtam E-MAILWEB  - 2024/10/16() 8:35 -

   Byp|~z ~}u u|u~p: y xpu} ~ ~wu~?

Byp|~z ~}u u|u~p@ ~}u, {z ~u yrxp~ { {~{u~} yxyu{} zr y }wu y|xrp ~p px~ |p}p. Sp{yu ~}up {p{ q~ utpr| uux y~u~u-ury y }s r| y}u~u~ t| px~ u|uz.

Kp{ pqpu?

ru}u~~z ~}u {pxpp~ pqp uux p}~u u~|syu{yu u y y|wu~y, {u qpqprp s|ru rxr y u{ru yxru. P|xrpu| }wu usy ~p uyp|~z |p}u, |p ~}u, {z xpu} }w~ y|xrp t| rxy {p{ q~}y u|u~~}y pppp}y, p{ y y~}y ryp|~}y ~}up}y.

Purtrp ryp|~ ~}ur:

1. K~ytu~yp|~: Byp|~u ~}up txr| p~y rp qru~~ y~}py r quxp~y, utpr| rx}w~ xr~y y |p yxruu~y qux p{y rpus ~r~s ~}up.

2. Cyq{: B }wuu y|xrp ty~ ~}u t| px~ u|uz@t| qyx~up, usypyy ~p ruq-pzp |yq qu~y tx}y, ~u r|~ {uu~yy {~p{r.

3. D~: Byp|~u ~}up t~ r |q} }uu t} r y~u~u. ^ r qu~~y {}~ t| |tuz, p uury.

4. ^{~}y: M~syu rpztu tu|p |y~u ut|wu~yu rst~u py ~p }uwt~pt~u xr~{y y yxruu~y, }wu ru{ {py rpy pt.

Nutp{y ryp|~ ~}ur:

1. Osp~yu~~u ~{yy: Nu ru ryp|~u ~}up ttuwyrp SMS y|y MMS, }wu sp~yyrp rp rx}w~ q}u~p }|y}utyz~}y qu~y}y.

2. Hpryy} y~u~up: Kpur rxy xpryy {y rpus y~u~u-uty~u~y.

3. @~~y}~: Nu{yu ury }s ~u xr| x~p }u px}uu~y |yq ytu~yy{py q|ptpu| ~}up.

Byp|~u ~}up u|u~r p~r ru q|uu |~}y q|pstp ruz tqr y syq{y. O~y utpr| s}~u {|yur rx}w~uz {p{ t| qru~~s y|xrp~y, p{ y t| qyx~up. Puwtu u} rqp ury, y~yyp|~ yp|~ x~p{}y us {yuy}y y pyp}y, q yxqp p}u ttuu uu~yu t| rpy ~wt.

Nry u|{s
 ufattKar E-MAIL  - 2024/10/16() 7:14 -

   Npy{y qp{y{z {~y
Npy{y xp~y}p qu }u r qp{y{z {~u. K}, u}u~yrp~~z ~py{ yx {q|us }|{p, q|ptpu }~wur} |ux~ rzr. Pu us ysr|u~y uqu uyp|~ ~pr{r y x~p~yz, uutprpu} yx {|u~y r {|u~yu.

Dsz ptyy~~z ~py{@qp{y{yz }utrz ~py{. O~ sry yx ~pp|~s }utp y pr, ytpy u} qz r{ y p}p. Sp{z ~py{ p tpu ~p pxt~y{y y u}uz~u wurp. Tx~pzu q|u ~p ufatimes.ru.

Sptyy~~u q|tp y uu Ap{p~p

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 LewisSnivy E-MAILWEB  - 2024/10/16() 7:06 -

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