BugBrowser BBS
  VKe c[\ ꗗ\ gsbN\  ݒ ߋO z[  
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T|sy u~ptxp x
 Uslugi_amen E-MAILWEB  - 2024/9/25() 0:19 -

   Nptuw~z u~yu{yz {~| xp yu|r} r M{ru, quxp~u rutu~yu yu|~ pq.
Ryu|~z {~| ur|u}z tty{} Ryu|~z {~| ur|u}z tty{} .

^{uyxp pptp x
 Ekspertiza_tdSt E-MAILWEB  - 2024/9/25() 0:19 -

   R{|{ y {uyxp pptp xtp~y, rpyp~ utu|u~y u~.
Su~yu{u q|utrp~yu pptp xtp~y - https://www.fasadexpertiza.ru .

R{{p ~q{r@
 RobertRen E-MAILWEB  - 2024/9/25() 0:03 -

   R pxryyu} u~|syz y ~~} q~r|u~yu} }tu|uz q|y~r xur ~q{r r {p{z- }}u~ p|{yrp ~uqty} q~r|u~y ry zr. Py p{y p{|ptp {{p ~q{r p~ry yq|~} uu~yu}, txr|y} ~u |{ yxqpry rus qtrp~y, p p{wu |y t|~yu|~u utrp y {{u ~rs. B z pu } p}y}, u} y p}u {{ ~q{r, {p{ ty u, p{wu tpty} ru, {p{ |y ~pyr rst tpwy.

P {p{z yy~u y tprp ~q{ r {{?

1. Uy~p~rp rstp: Ptpr ruyz ~q{, rp u rx}w~ ru{ }u~y pt ~p {{ ~rs zrp. Nuut{ u~p ~r }tu|uz r{p, y t|~yu|~p }}p, ru~~p up|yxpyy, sr p uz } r } ru.

2. ^{|sy~: Ty|yxpy qrupruz |u{~y{y@s|pr~z pu{ xpq q {|syy. Rtprp ~q{ r {{, r qruu us uupq{u y r~} y|xrp~y, }y~y}yxy {|yur |u{~~ tr.

3. Ttqr: Pu {{y ~q{r tr|~ pu~{ ty uxruu y u, u} {p tp zr ~p ry~} ~{u. Bp} ~u ytu y{p {pu|uz, tsrpyrp rup y uuwyrp ~pu quxp~y tu|{y.

4. Puy~p|~p u~{p zrp: Rury, xp~y}pyu {{z, p tu|p |y~u ut|wu~yu qu|p~u |sy u~{u ~y y y}y rpus ~q{p, }spu yxquwp ~utpx}u~yz y |y px}~ y}.

Kp{ ty u {{y ~q{p?

1. Ou~{p ~y: P~pp| ur|u ru{p ~{y~p|~y zrp. ^ r{|pu uyrp~yu ~r~ {}~u~r, p{y {p{ {p~, {|prypp, qppu y . C|pr~, q ~q{ pqp| {u{~ ~u y}u| x~pyu|~ ryxp|~ ruwtu~yz.

2. Outu|u~yu u~: Np ~ru ~y zrp, us }tu|y, stp r{p y ~~z u~ rp} qtu ut|wu~p u~p. Py }~syu {}p~yy ut|psp tsryu|~ ~-|pz~-u~{, xr|u u x~p, {p{ ~uqty} }} }w~ wytp.

3. Hp{|u~yu tu|{y: E|y rp} pyrpu ut|wu~~p u~p, r xp{|puu tu|{. Oq~ tu|pu { y qux r{y p} }p|~uz.

4. P|u~yu utr: B q|} {|yuru |pur yu}p |p ~pp|p {~p~yy tu|{y. B }wuu |y utrp ~p|y~}y |yq ~p qp~{r{ {p.

X yrp y tpu ~q{p r {{?

1. R~yu zrp: Purt~u https://skupkanoutbook.ru yxyu{yu y }~s~{y~p|~u rzrp uru~~ ~ppyrp u~p ~q{p. Pqzu }y~y}yxyrp us ruwtu~y y yy |y~z y~}pyy.

2. Mtu| y rxp: A|uu ~ru y yxrtyu|~u }tu|y twu. Ixyu uyy{pyy y u{yu u~ ~p p~p|sy~u zrp uut tpwuz.

3. Np|yyu p{upr: E|y rp p~y|p ysy~p|~p p{r{p, xpt~u zr y tsyu p{up, p{u }wu ry u~~ rpus ~q{p.

4. Bq {~z {}p~yy: D s u} uy, {tp tp zr, y ry ~u{|{ rpyp~r. Rpr~yu u~, |ry y xr {|yu~r, q rqp q|uu yq|~z y ~ptuw~z rpyp~.


R{{p ~q{r@ tq~z y rst~z }ut yxqpry puruz u~y{y y |y utrp ~p ~ru zr. Puut u} {p{ up|yxrp rz ~q{, rpw~ ru~ u~y ~yu y y|utrp ~{, q |y ~pyr rst tu|{y. Oqpyu { ~ptuw~} uryp}, {u ut|psp {{, y y~y}pzu r r~y}p~yu ru ~p~, q rpp tpwp |p u~ y yq|~. R ru}u~~}y u~|sy}y }w~ ~u |{ tu|p |u qru~~u zr, tp y tu|p }xs}!

Caitline qsp|u
 DarrenKneen E-MAILWEB  - 2024/9/24() 21:26 -

   Dqz tu~!

Aur~u qsp|u Caitline t| rut~ur~s {}p
Nwu~ qsp|u, {z qtu ~uxp}uu~ t tuwtz? Caitline ut|pspu qur~u }tu|y t| }p{y}p|~s {}p y ytup|~z pt{y. O~y xtp u{ "rz {wy" y ytup|~ tt t| rut~ur~z ~{y.

Asp|u Caitline ~p Ox~u - https://www.ozon.ru/seller/242390
Asp|u Caitline t| t{r
Asp|u Caitline ~uryty}{p
Asp|u Caitline }s{z p{z

Asp|u Caitline t| p r{z ttuw{z


R{{p ~q{r@
 RobertRen E-MAILWEB  - 2024/9/24() 21:00 -

   R pxryyu} u~|syz y ~~} q~r|u~yu} }tu|uz q|y~r xur ~q{r r {p{z- }}u~ p|{yrp ~uqty} q~r|u~y ry zr. Py p{y p{|ptp {{p ~q{r p~ry yq|~} uu~yu}, xr|y} ~u |{ yxqpry ps qtrp~y, ~ y |y t|~yu|~u utrp y {{u ~rs. B z pu } p}y}, u} y p}u {{ ~q{r, {p{ ty u, ~ p{wu tpty} ru, {p{ |y }p{y}p|~ rst tpwy.

P {p{z yy~u y tprp ~q{ r {{?

1. Uy~p~rp rstp: Ptpr ruyz ~q{, rp u rx}w~ u~ y|~ }u~y pt ~p {{ ~rs zrp. Nuut{ u~p ~r }tu|uz r{p, y t|~yu|~p }}p, ru~~p tpwy, sr p ~u|z } r } ru.

2. ^{|sy~: Ty|yxpy qrupruz |u{~y{y@s|pr~z ~p~ xpq q {|syy. Rtprp ~q{ r {{, r qruu us uupq{u y r~} y|xrp~y, }y~y}yxy {|yur |u{~~ tr.

3. Ttqr: Pu {{y ~q{r tr|~ pu~{ ty u y u, u} {p tp zr ~p ~{uu AT. Bp} ~u ytu y{p {pu|uz, tsrpyrp rup y uuwyrp rt quxp~y tu|{y.

4. Puy~p|~p u~{p zrp: Rury, uyp|yxyyu {{z, p tu|p |y~u ut|wu~yu qu|p~u |sy u~{u ~y y u~ rpus ~q{p, }spu yxquwp ~utpx}u~yz y |y px}~ u~.

Kp{ ty u {{y ~q{p?

1. Ou~{p ~y: R~pp|p ur|u ru{p ~{y~p|~y zrp. ^ r{|pu uyrp~yu ~r~ {}~u~r, r } y|u {p~, {|prypp, qppu y . C|pr~, q ~q{ pqp| {u{~ ~u y}u| x~pyu|~ ryxp|~ ruwtu~yz.

2. Outu|u~yu u~: Np ~ru ~y zrp, us }tu|y, stp r{p y ~~z u~ rp} qtu ut|wu~p u~p. Py }~syu {}p~yy ut|psp tsryu|~ ~-|pz~-u~{, xr|u uxruu ~, {p{ ~uqty} }} }w~ wtp.

3. Hp{|u~yu tu|{y: E|y rp} pyrpu ut|wu~~p u~p, r xp{|puu tu|{. Oq~ tu|pu q y qux r{y p} }p|~uz.

4. P|u~yu utr: B q|} {|yuru |pur |pp yxrty ~pp|p {~p~yy tu|{y. B }wuu |y tu~sy ~p|y~}y y|y ~p qp~{r{ {p.

X yrp y tpu ~q{p r {{?

1. R~yu zrp: Purt~u https://skupkanoutbook.ru yxyu{yu y }~s~{y~p|~u pp{uyy{y uru~~ ~ppyrp y} ~q{p. Ppzu }y~y}yxyrp us ruwtu~y y yy |y~z y~.

2. Mtu| y rxp: A|uu ~ru y yxrtyu|~u }tu|y twu. Ixyu uyy{pyy y u{yu u~ ~p p~p|sy~u zrp uut tpwuz.

3. Np|yyu p{upr: E|y rp p~y|p ~y{p|~p p{r{p, xpt~u zr y tsyu p{up, p{u }wu ry u~~ rpus ~q{p.

4. Bq {~z {}p~yy: D s u} uy, {tp tp zr, y yxy ~u{|{ rpyp~r. Rpr~yu u~, |ry y xr {|yu~r, q rqp ~pyq|uu yq|~z y ~ptuw~z rpyp~.


R{{p ~q{r@ tq~z y yq|~z }ut yxqpry qrupruz u~y{y y |y utrp ~p ~ru zr. Puut u} {p{ up|yxrp rz ~q{, rpw~ ru~ u~y ~yu y y|utrp ~{, q |y ~pyr rst tu|{y. Oqpyu { ~ptuw~} uryp}, {u tu|p |y~u ut|wu~yu {{, y y~y}pzu r r~y}p~yu ru ~p~, q rpp tpwp |p u~ y rst~. R ru}u~~}y u~|sy}y }w~ ~u |{ tu|p |u qru~~u zr, ~ y tu|p px}}!

Cy|~tp ~p t}
 Glennstery E-MAILWEB  - 2024/9/24() 19:26 -

   Cy|~tp ~p t} r M{ru y q|py

Pru{p }u ~p
 Proverka_cfEt E-MAILWEB  - 2024/9/24() 18:44 -

   Kp{yu ~utu pu rus rr| y ru{u }u ~p ruryu?, uy~p|~u ru.
Pru{p }u ~p ruryu - http://smeta-control.ru .

Su} r Rp~{-P
 HowardLorce E-MAILWEB  - 2024/9/24() 16:41 -


Su}@ qxpu|~p utp t| ru p~~ utr, ut~px~pu~~p t| ru{y y u~yu{s ~y y rury ~}p} quxp~y. Pzy u} }w~ ~p uyp|yxyrp~~ p~y u}p r Rp~{-Puuqsu, stu {rp|yyyrp~~u uyp|y rut typs~y{ pr}qy| y } typs~yu{ {p ~p 2024 st. D| {}}uu{y p~~ utr ~uqty} |y tu|~ typs~yu{ {p, truwtp ruryu uqrp~y} quxp~y. Su} uqu t| ru yr p~p: |us{r pr}qy|uz, sxry{r y }y{|r. Xq zy u}, }y typs~yu{ {p y|y tu|p DK r Rp~{-Puuqsu, qpyu r q|ywpzyz ~{ u~yu{s }p. Nu {|ptrpzu rpw~u ut@ztyu u} {p{ }w~ {uu, q quuy quxp~ ~p tsp.
Rp~{-Puuqs, |yp Apq{y~p, 21K Su} - https://yandex.ru/maps/org/tsentr_tekhosmotra/4958508914
A|uu tq~ ~p pzu - https://www.spb-pto.ru
u} |us{r RPq
zy u} r Qyy
Su} {y
SO pr}qy| r Rp~{-Puuqsu
tu|p u}
{pp u}p

typs~yu{p {pp 2024


qy|u }{rp p}|u
 Donaldedgem E-MAILWEB  - 2024/9/24() 15:47 -

   uu|u }{rp prypqy|u pyp~yu uzr y u~p prypqy|u u~p }u

Ptq~uu xtu
 JosephFoutt E-MAILWEB  - 2024/9/24() 13:53 -

   uuztyu ~p pz https://chl-heli.ru/catalog/richtraki/s-kabinoy/

 AlfredPat E-MAILWEB  - 2024/9/24() 11:53 -

   Medical staff on the front line of the battle against mpox in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have told the BBC they are desperate for vaccines to arrive so they can stem the rate of new infections.
At a treatment centre in South Kivu province that the BBC visited in the epicentre of the outbreak, they say more patients are arriving every day - especially babies - and there is a shortage of essential equipment.

Mpox - formerly known as monkeypox - is a highly contagious disease and has killed at least 635 people in DR Congo this year.
Even though 200,000 vaccines, donated by the European Commission, were flown into the capital, Kinshasa, last week, they are yet to be transported across this vast country - and it could be several weeks before they reach South Kivu.
gWe've learned from social media that the vaccine is already available,h Emmanuel Fikiri, a nurse working at the clinic that has been turned into a specialist centre to tackle the virus, told the BBC.
He said this was the first time he had treated patients with mpox and every day he feared catching it and passing it on to his own children - aged seven, five and one.
gYou saw how I touched the patients because that's my job as a nurse. So, we're asking the government to help us by first giving us the vaccines.h
The reason it will take time to transport the vaccines is that they need to be stored at a precise temperature - below freezing - to maintain their potency, plus they need to be sent to rural areas of South Kivu, like Kamituga, Kavumu and Lwiro, where the outbreak is rife.
The lack of infrastructure and bad roads mean that helicopters could possibly be used to drop some of the vaccines, which will further drive up costs in a country that is already struggling financially.
At the community clinic, Dr Pacifique Karanzo appeared fatigued and downbeat having been rushed off his feet all morning.
Although he wore a face shield, I could see the sweat running down his face. He said he was saddened to see patients sharing beds.
gYou will even see that the patients are sleeping on the floor,h he told me, clearly exasperated.
gThe only support we have already had is a little medicine for the patients and water. As far as other challenges are concerned, there's still no staff motivation.h


 AlfonsoSough E-MAILWEB  - 2024/9/24() 11:52 -

   Medical staff on the front line of the battle against mpox in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have told the BBC they are desperate for vaccines to arrive so they can stem the rate of new infections.
blacksprut com
At a treatment centre in South Kivu province that the BBC visited in the epicentre of the outbreak, they say more patients are arriving every day - especially babies - and there is a shortage of essential equipment.
black sprut

Mpox - formerly known as monkeypox - is a highly contagious disease and has killed at least 635 people in DR Congo this year.
Even though 200,000 vaccines, donated by the European Commission, were flown into the capital, Kinshasa, last week, they are yet to be transported across this vast country - and it could be several weeks before they reach South Kivu.
gWe've learned from social media that the vaccine is already available,h Emmanuel Fikiri, a nurse working at the clinic that has been turned into a specialist centre to tackle the virus, told the BBC.
He said this was the first time he had treated patients with mpox and every day he feared catching it and passing it on to his own children - aged seven, five and one.
gYou saw how I touched the patients because that's my job as a nurse. So, we're asking the government to help us by first giving us the vaccines.h
The reason it will take time to transport the vaccines is that they need to be stored at a precise temperature - below freezing - to maintain their potency, plus they need to be sent to rural areas of South Kivu, like Kamituga, Kavumu and Lwiro, where the outbreak is rife.
The lack of infrastructure and bad roads mean that helicopters could possibly be used to drop some of the vaccines, which will further drive up costs in a country that is already struggling financially.
At the community clinic, Dr Pacifique Karanzo appeared fatigued and downbeat having been rushed off his feet all morning.
Although he wore a face shield, I could see the sweat running down his face. He said he was saddened to see patients sharing beds.
gYou will even see that the patients are sleeping on the floor,h he told me, clearly exasperated.
gThe only support we have already had is a little medicine for the patients and water. As far as other challenges are concerned, there's still no staff motivation.h


@r|u{y{ @|}p
 MichaelFaw E-MAILWEB  - 2024/9/24() 11:07 -

   R {pwt} t~u} pr}qy|y p~r ru q|uu t~}y y u~|sy~}y. Rru}u~~u }py~ ~pu~ q|y} }~wur} |u{~~ yu}, {u uq uy~p|~s q|wyrp~y y u}~p. B } {~u{u | pr|u{y{p p~ry r qu~~y s|pr~z. B @|}p, t~} yx {~uzy str Kpxpp~p, |sy pr|u{y{r ruqrp~ {p{ ~y{stp.

K p{rz pr|u{y{?

@r|u{y{ https://zavodim-avto.kz/ uyp|y, xp~y}pyz typs~y{z, u}~} y q|wyrp~yu} |u{~~ yu} pr}qy|uz. ^ r{|pu r uq pq p{{}|p}y, su~upp}y, pu~}y yu}p}y, rt{z y px~}y |u{yu{y}y {}~u~p}y, r } y|u yu} pr|u~y tryw{}, ABS, yu} }y rtyu| y }~syu tsyu.

Pourquoi choisir un spcialiste@Almaty?

1. Krp|yy{py y : B @|}p pqp }~s {rp|yyyrp~~ uyp|yr, {u y}u q|z r u}~u pr}qy|uz px~ }p{ y }tu|uz. ^ spp~yu t| rp rpzuu {pur |s.

2. Rru}u~~u qtrp~yu: M~syu pr|u{y{y @|}p qu~ ru}u~~} typs~yu{y} qtrp~yu}, txr|y} q y ~ utu| yy~ ~uypr~y.

3. A|z qu} |s: @r|u{y{y tu|p |y~u ut|wu~yu }~wur |s, r{|p typs~y{ |u{yu{y yu}, xp}u~ y u}~ p{{}r, pq ys~p|yxpy}y, p~r{ t|~yu|~s qtrp~y ({u~~, }|y}utyp yu} y .) y }~su y~u.

4. Nptuw~ y t~: B @|}p r }wuu ~pzy }~wur pr|u{y{r, {u ut|psp ry |sy yu}|u}} y}}. ^ xr|u rp} rqp ttus uy~p|p r ruryy rpy} qtwu} y uq~}y.

}{rp prypqy|u
 Donaldedgem E-MAILWEB  - 2024/9/24() 10:29 -

   tuuru qy|u xp sp~y yx }{r qy|u ~p p}|u tuur }{rp {y qy|u ~p }z uz

ysru pr}p qu
 Aqttcap E-MAILWEB  - 2024/9/24() 6:44 -

   ysru pr}p qux usypyy qu|p~ ysp tu} 5000
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 JamesGuepe E-MAIL  - 2024/9/24() 6:05 -

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Caitline qsp|u
 DarrenKneen E-MAILWEB  - 2024/9/24() 5:13 -


Caitline qsp|u t| t{r
Npzy ytup|~z qsp|u t| t{r p| u Caitline. Ttq~u }tu|y t| }|t turu{, {u |{ ~py~p rz { rq ~yw~us qu|. K} y y| r {pwtz tup|y@Caitline xtp ruu~~ r uqu ~ |u.

Asp|u Caitline ~p Ozon - https://ozon.ru/seller/242390
Asp|u yx |{p
Asp|u Caitline ttuw{z
Asp|u s|pt{z p{z

Asp|u Caitline t| t{r


prypqy|u {y t
 Donaldedgem E-MAILWEB  - 2024/9/24() 2:17 -

   }{rp prypqy|u u~p prypqy|u {|{ tp qp~ qy|u {|{ y

Prutyu y|utrp
 Robertsax E-MAILWEB  - 2024/9/24() 2:08 -

   Ru|{xzru~~p u~y{p yspu s|pr~ | r u{yr~} rutu~yy psp~s qyx~up. Np ru}u~~} ~{u utpr|u~ }~wur }tu|uz y }p{, {pwtp yx { y}uu ry ~uq{~ru~~y y urtrp. Puwtu u} {y y~yyp|~ yrp t yy~, q tu|p pry|~z rq y y~ruyrp utrp |xz.

1. Outu|u~yu uq~uz

Puwtu u} pry xp {{z, q|ru, {p{yu {~{u~ }py~ y qtrp~yu t| rp ~w~. Rpru uuu~ ~uqty} uty~y, {p{ |utu yx yp rpuz tuu|~y. Npy}u, u|y r xp~y}puu rpyrp~yu} xu~r, rp} }wu ~ptqy p{, u|{p y {}qpz~. D| ptrtrp }wu uqrp u qtrp~yu, p{u {p{ {|yrp y {yrpu|y.

2. I|utrp~yu ~{p

Prutyu y|utrp~yu qpxpp, q x~p, {p{z-~y{p{yu }p{y y }tu|y ~pyq|uu ~w~ r rpuz }u~y. Nppru rz rxs|t ~p xr tsy pspyur, p{wu y|utzu ut|wu~y px|y~ ty|ur y yxrtyu|uz. ^ {pwu rp} } yu~yrp r u~p y t~ y.

3. Nrz y|y qryz r uq|u~yy?

Ot~y} yx s|pr~ uu~yz r|u rq }uwt ~rz y q/ u~y{z. Nru~{p u~y{p ru} : spp~y yxrtyu|, ru}u~~u qtrp~yu, ~py}u~p rx}w~ |}{. N y y} ~rz u~y{y u~ y|~ ru. Ptuwp~~p u~y{p rx}w~ q|uu t~z, ~ uqu {|yrz ru{y, q quty r uu pqq~y y ~yy.

4. Su~yu{yu rzrp

Py rqu u~y{y qppzu r~y}p~yu ~p u~yu{yu rzrp, p{yu {p{:

- M~ }p: Oq~, u} q|u }~y, u} r q|uu }~u pq }wu y|~ p{ y|y {}qpz~.
- Pyxrtyu|~: Rq~ }py~ r|~ xptp~~u xptpy xp utu|u~~u ru}.
- Qpt |yrp: ^{~}y ~p su} }wu x~pyu|~ r|y ~p qyu xpp ~p {|ppy.
- Tru~ u~|syz: Np|yyu ru}u~~ yu}, p{y {p{ GPS- ~pryspy, }s x~pyu|~ q|usy pq.

5. P|utpw~u q|wyrp~yu y xppy

Bpw~ q|uu ~ utu|y, {p{z-~y{p{yu |sy q|wyrp~y ut|pspu tpru, y {p{ t~ xppy t| rqp~~z }tu|y. P~~u u~yu{u q|wyrp~yu y rx}w~ qs |u~y xppuz {yyu{y rpw~ t| }y~y}yxpyy u~y{y.

6. Uy~p~ru ~p~

B }}u~ rqp u~y{y yrpzu rp qtwu. Nu xpqtu rpru ~p t|~yu|~u pt, p{yu {p{ pr{p, q|wyrp~yu, ~p|sy y tsyu xpp, {u }s rx~y{~ r uu {|ppyy. }wu q, y}uu }| }u rpyp~ y~p~yrp~y, p{yu {p{ |yxy~s |yq {uty ~p {{ u~y{y.

7. Suyrp~yu

Puwtu u} {y, http://www.yang-cong.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=92347 qu~~ uwu|y r p}pyrpuu tuwp~~u qtrp~yu, ~uu}u~~ uyzu u~y{. E|y{ rx}w~, r|~yu ~u{|{ p~tp~ upyz, q u~y uu pqq~ y {pur pq.

8. Hppyrp~yu t{}u~r

Hppyrpzu tprp ru ~w~u t{}u~ ~p u~y{: u~yu{yz p, t{}u~ u}~u y q|wyrp~yy, ~ p{wu t{pxpu|r prp qru~~y. ^ }wu yxquwp xp}u{ r tp|~uzu}.


P{{p u|{xzru~~z u~y{y@ uux~u y ruru~~u uu~yu t| {p{s pspy. Pttyu { } u r~y}p~yu}, pu|~ yxpzu ~{ y ry uq~y, q rpp y~ruyy {y|p y y~u|p ~pyr |x. R}wuu yxqp pry|~u qtrp~yu, y ~ p~u ~ptuw~} }~y{} r rpu} qyx~uu.

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 HowardLorce E-MAILWEB  - 2024/9/24() 0:07 -

   Dqz tu~!

Su}@ ~uqty}p utp t| ru p~~ utr, ~ppr|u~~p ~p u~{ y u~yu{s ~y y q|tu~yu ~} quxp~y ~p tsp. Pzy u} }w~ ~p uyp|yxyrp~~ p~y u~yu{s }p r Rp~{-Puuqsu, stu ~u uyp|y rut |~ typs~y{ rpus pr}qy| y rtpt typs~yu{ {p ~p 2024 st. D| {}}uu{y pr}qy|uz uqu }|u~yu tu|~z typs~yu{z {p, truwtpuz ruryu p~tpp} quxp~y. Su} qxpu|u~ t| ru yr p~p, r{|p |us{ru }py~, sxry{y y }y{|. E|y rp} ~w~ zy u}, }y typs~yu{ {p y|y tu|p DK r Rp~{-Puuqsu, uyu q|ywpzyz ~{ u~yu{s }p. Nu {|ptrpzu rpw~ ut@ztyu u} ruru}u~~, q spp~yrp quxp~ ~p tsp.
Rp~{-Puuqs, |yp Apq{y~p, 21K Su} - https://yandex.ru/maps/org/tsentr_tekhosmotra/4958508914
A|uu tq~ ~p pzu - https://www.spb-pto.ru/
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