BugBrowser BBS
  VKe c[\ ꗗ\ gsbN\  ݒ ߋO z[  
16 / 500 ߰ @b@

Kp{ ~pzy ptyxt
 DarrelSeats E-MAILWEB  - 2024/10/9() 6:24 -

   Kp{ ~pzy ptyxtpr|u~y ~p u|u~: |ux~u ru

Ppxt~y~u t~y y qu qy r u{p~z wyx~y@|y~p rx}w~ yx}y qru~~ q|yx{y ysy~p|~} wu|p~u}. E|y r wu|puu pry ptyxtpr|u~yu ~p u|u~, ~ ~u x~puu, us wu y ~pp, p p }wu rp} {p ttyu uu~y.

1. Py{ sr ptyxtpr|u~yz

Ruru s}~u {|yur ur, r {p{} }uu }w~ ~pzy sru ptyxtpr|u~y:
- I~u~u-ruq-pz@uyp|~u pz y q|sy tu|p |y~u ut|wu~yu {||u{yy ptyxtpr|u~yz ~p px~u rt: t~y wtu~y, anniversaries, Nrz st y yu pxt~y{y. B|xzu@xpp}y r y{ry{u, p{y}y {p{ ptyxtpr|u~y {pp y|y ptyxtpr|u~y ~p u|u~.
- Py|wu~y@}~syu }qy|~u y|wu~y t| xtp~y xtpr|u~yz tu|p |y~u ut|wu~yu y~usyrp~~u ptypz|. Ppzu p~ry yqpr|u~, p{yu {p{ "Pxtpr|u~y" y|y "Kpy~{y y wu|p~".

2. Hpy qru~~s ptyxtpr|u~y

Ewu|y r wu|pzu tqpry |y~z y{, xpyyu wu|p~u p}y:
- Su|u~@y|xzu y|wu~yu t| xpyy xr{p (ru~~u r u|u~ |yq ~~yu y|wu~y). P ~pw}yu ~p xpy, yx~uyu wu|p~u y p~yu pz|.
- Qutp{yrp~yu@ } y|wu~yz t| utp{yrp~y xr{p (~py}u, Audacity y|y GarageBand) r }wuu tqpry }x{, u{ |yq |y {pur xpyy.

3. Opr{p ptyxtpr|u~y

P|u rus s {p{ r ~p|y y|y xpyp|y ptyxtpr|u~yu, t| rp ~uqty} pry us:
- MMR@r }wuu pry ptypz| uux MMS. P yxquyu pz| y pru us, {p{ qtu~~u yxruu.
- Muu~twu@r|xzu |~}y yqpr|u~y}y, r } y|u WhatsApp, Viber |yq Telegram, q pry ptyxpy. Bustp u rx}w~ tqpr|u~y u{p y }txy, q tu|p xtpr|u~yu q|uu rpxyu|~}.
- Email@u|y ~w~ pry t|y~~yz https://audiosms.ru/ pz|, y|xzu |u{~~ . Py{uyu ptypz| { yxruu~ y pru us ptup.

4. B~utu~yu yp|~ uuz

Ewu|y r yu tu|p wu|p~u q|uu q|y~}, q|y{zu us r ~w~ p~yp r yp|~ u:
- Instagram Stories |yq Facebook@xpsxyu ptypz| y|y tqpru us r rytu, {u }w~ }y } u{p~ ~r y y|r.
- VK@r }wuu tu|p ptyxpy y tu|y y} tx}y |yq r qurp.


@tyxtpr|u~y@ |y~z }ut yx}y y ruu|y ~utp|v{y. Bq sr ptypz|r, xtp~yu qru~~s wu|p~y y|y r~utu~yu }uu~twur y uuz@ru {pwu rp} } ~pzy ytup|~z }ut xtpry ry yu|uz y t~. Nu qpyrpzu r| {upyr~, y rp tp{ p~u ~uxpqrpu}}!

ysru pr}p qu
 TimothyPoick E-MAIL  - 2024/10/9() 6:23 -

   ysru pr}p qu|p~

ysru pr}p qu
 TimothyPoick E-MAIL  - 2024/10/9() 5:41 -

   ysru pr}p qu|p~

ysp r |
 ThomasAdate E-MAIL  - 2024/10/9() 4:50 -

   ysp r |

Pu}y} Rury Kpxp
 Malindasmivy E-MAIL  - 2024/10/9() 2:27 -

   ` |p quutrp~yu r {}p~yy Pu}y} Rury Kpxp~ ptu |. Kp}p Npy, t. 25 y u|p q tu|y ry} tq~} xr} ~uz. B-ur, }~u prp| {rtyu|. O~ {pxp| uxrpz~ suyy}~} y ry| s|q{yz y~uu { }y} ~pr{p} y . B ru} quutrp~y } ru|y t{yr~z pxsr, y q|p rup|u~p us uy~p|yx}u y ttu { pqu. Oy {}p~yy {pxp| ~}, |usp~~} y ru}u~~}. B~y}p~yu { tup|} ryt~ r {pwtz tup|y. I~uu xtpu y~ p}u, {p qru tq~} t. ` q|p y~ tyr|u~p }, {p{z t q| tu|u~ putu|u~y pqy }u y qy p~r. Sp{wu, ruu~p, }u~ wtu u qu~y y y~{pwp r uu~yu ~utu|y. ^ r|u {|ur} }}u~} t| }u~, p{ {p{ ~p}uu~p q pq|~ srz y }p{y}p|~ t{yr~z p}s ~pp|p. ` ruu~p, u qu~y qtu sp~yxrp~ ~p ru} r~u y tp }~u ~y}p~yu ru tup|uz pq y pr|u~~ xptp. B u|}, |~ tr|uru~p wtu~yu} quutrp~y r {}p~yy Pu}y} Rury Kpxp~ ptu |. Kp}p Npy, t. 25. Q{rtyu| rxrp| |wyu|~u r}y~p~y, y rup|y| y|~} y ru}u~~} y~uu}, p wytpu}z u qu~y y y~{pwp truwtp, {}p~y tu|u rpw~u r~y}p~yu tsr{u ~r t~y{r. ` qux}u~ ptp, |y|p rx}w~ yuty~y { p{z uu{yr~z sp~yxpyy.


P|u~yu rs s
 LarryFen E-MAILWEB  - 2024/10/9() 1:45 -

   O}y} ru spwtp~r, ryt ~p wyu|r (BNG) y|y uxytu~r r px~ p~p RNC, Er y @}uy{y. R}yu ryu|~u rytu:

Bu spwtp~r, p{yu{p y}}yspy, y}}yspy, ryt ~p wyu|r, BNG, Hu|v~p {pp (green card) RY@
Cpwtp~r p~ Erxp t {|
Cpwtp~r ~p ~rp~yy {~uz
Cpwtp~r @}u~yy t {|
Cpwtp~r Ksxp~p t {|
Cpwtp~r P|y t {|
Cpwtp~r A|spyy t {|
Cpwtp~r Ip|yy t {|
Cpwtp~r Cuyy t {|
Cpwtp~r Ixpy| t {|

Pyyu ~p} r SELECQ@M: https://t.me/LibFinTravel

I|y xptyu ~p pz: https://libertyfintravel.ru/vnj-i-vtoroe-grajdanstvo

ysru pr}p ys
 LarryND E-MAIL  - 2024/10/9() 0:15 -

   ~|pz~ {pxy~ tuxy}
ysru pr}p tu} ruyy ysp qu|p~

Kp{ ~pzy ptyxt
 DarrelSeats E-MAILWEB  - 2024/10/8() 21:11 -

   Kp{ ~pzy ptyxtpr|u~y ~p u|u~: |ux~u ru

Ppxt~y~u tu~{y y qu~~u qy r wyx~y@|y~p rx}w~ yx}y qru~~ ~utp|v{y ysy~p|~} wu|p~u}. Ewu|y r wu|pzu r|p ptyxtpr|u~yu ~p u|u~, ~ ~u ~y}puu, us wu y ~pp, p p {pwu rp} } {p ttyu uu~y.

1. Py{ sr ptyxtpr|u~yz

Ruru s}~u {|yur ur, r {p{} }uu }w~ ~pzy sru ptyxtpr|u~y:
- I~u~u-ruq-pz@uyp|~u pz y ~|pz~-t~ur~y{y tu|p |y~u ut|wu~yu {||u{yy ptyxtpr|u~yz ~p px~u tp~z rt: tu~{y wtu~y, anniversaries, Nrz st y yu pxt~y{y. B|xzu y{r}y xpp}y, p{y}y {p{ ptyxtpr|u~y {pp |yq ptyxtpr|u~y ~p u|u~.
- Pyqpr|u~@}~syu }qy|~u y|wu~y t| ru~y xtpr|u~yz tu|p |y~u ut|wu~yu y~usyrp~~u ptypz|. Pqzu p~ry yqpr|u~, p{yu {p{ "Pxtpr|u~y" |yq "Kpy~{y y wu|p~y".

2. Hpy qru~~s ptyxtpr|u~y

E|y r wu|puu tqpry |y~z y{, xpyyu wu|p~u p}y:
- R}p~@y|xzu yqpr|u~yu t| xpyy xr{p (ru~~u r u|u~ y|y ~~yu y|wu~y). P ~pw}yu ~p xpy, yx~uyu wu|p~yu y p~yu pz|.
- Qutp{yrp~yu@y }y yqpr|u~yz t| utp{yrp~y xr{p (~py}u, Audacity y|y GarageBand) r }wuu tqpry }x{, u{ y|y |y {pur xpyy.

3. Opr{p ptyxtpr|u~y

P|u rus s {p{ r ~p|y |yq xpyp|y ptyxtpr|u~yu, t| rp ~w~ r|p us:
- MMR@r }wuu r|p ptypz| uux MMS. P rquyu pz| y pru us, {p{ qtu~~u qu~yu.
- Muu~twu@r|xzu |~}y yqpr|u~y}y, p{y}y {p{ WhatsApp, Viber |yq Telegram, q pry ptyxpy. Bustp u rx}w~ yqpr|u~y u{p y }txy, q tu|p wu|p~u q|uu rpxyu|~}.
- Email@u|y ~w~ pry t|y~~yz https://audiosms.ru/ pz|, y|xzu |u{~~ . Py{uyu ptypz| { yxruu~y y pru us ptup.

4. I|xrp~yu yp|~ uuz

Ewu|y r yu tu|p wu|p~yu q|uu q|y~}, q|y{zu us r ~w~ p~yp r yp|~ u:
- Instagram Stories y|y Facebook@xpsxyu ptypz| y|y tqpru us r rytu, {u }w~ }y } {pyr ~r y y|r.
- VK@r }wuu xtp ptyxpy y tu|y y} yu|}y |yq r qurp.


@tyxtpr|u~y@ |y~z }ut tyry y ptrp ~utp|v{y. Bq sr ptypz|r, xtp~yu qru~~s wu|p~ y|y r~utu~yu }uu~twur y uuz@ ru }wu rp} ~pzy qpxrz q xtpry qru~~ txuz y t~. Nu ppzu r| {upyr~, y rp tp{ p~u ~uxpqrpu}}!

~pw}yu, q t
 WillieLig E-MAILWEB  - 2024/10/8() 20:25 -

   rquyu u Kraken19.at

{|y{~yu tp Krake
 Jerrycom E-MAILWEB  - 2024/10/8() 14:24 -

   x~p q|u Kraken20.at

Kp{ ~pzy ptyxt
 DarrelSeats E-MAILWEB  - 2024/10/8() 11:40 -

   Kp{ ~pzy ptyxtpr|u~y ~p u|u~: |ux~u ru

Ppxt~y~u tu~{y y qu~~u qy r u{p~z wyx~y@|y~p rx}w~ yx}y qru~~ ~utp|v{y ysy~p|~} xtpr|u~yu}. Ewu|y r yu r|p ptyxtpr|u~yu ~p u|u~, ~ ~u ~y}puu, us wu y ~pp, p p }wu rp} {p ttyu uu~y.

1. Py{ sr ptyxtpr|u~yz

Ruru s}~u {|yur ur, r {p{} }uu }w~ ~pzy sru ptyxtpr|u~y:
- Buq-pz@uyp|~u pz y ~|pz~-t~ur~y{y ut|psp {||u{yy ptyxtpr|u~yz ~p px~u tp~z rt: t~y wtu~y, anniversaries, Nrz st y yu pxt~y{y. B|xzu y{r}y xpp}y, r } y|u ptyxtpr|u~y {pp y|y ptyxtpr|u~y ~p u|u~.
- Py|wu~y@}~syu }qy|~u y|wu~y t| ru~y xtpr|u~yz ut|psp ru~~u ptypz|. Pqzu p~ry y|wu~y, p{yu {p{ "Pwu|p~y" |yq "Kpy~{y y xtpr|u~y".

2. Hpy qru~~s ptyxtpr|u~y

Ewu|y r yu tqpry |y~z y, xpyyu xtpr|u~yu p}y:
- Su|u~@y|xzu yqpr|u~yu t| xpyy xr{p (ru~~u r u|u~ |yq ~~yu yqpr|u~). P ~pw}yu ~p xpy, yx~uyu wu|p~u y p~yu pz|.
- Qutp{yrp~yu@ } y|wu~yz t| utp{yrp~y xr{p ({ y}u, Audacity |yq GarageBand) r }wuu tqpry }x{, u{ |yq |y {pur xpyy.

3. Opr{p ptyxtpr|u~y

P|u s {p{ r ~p|y |yq xpyp|y ptyxtpr|u~yu, t| rp ~w~ r|p us:
- MMR@r }wuu pry ptypz| uux MMS. P rquyu pz| y pru us, {p{ qtu~~u yxruu.
- Muu~twu@r|xzu |~}y yqpr|u~}y, r } y|u WhatsApp, Viber |yq Telegram, q pry ptyxpy. Bustp u rx}w~ yqpr|u~y u{p y }txy, q tu|p wu|p~u q|uu rpxyu|~}.
- Email@u|y ~w~ pry t|y~~yz https://audiosms.ru/ pz|, y|xzu |u{~~ . Py{uyu ptypz| { yxruu~ y pru us ptup.

4. B~utu~yu yp|~ uuz

E|y r yu tu|p wu|p~yu q|uu q|y~}, q|y{zu us ~p ry p~yp r u:
- Instagram Stories y|y Facebook@xpsxyu ptypz| y|y tqpru us r rytu, {u }w~ }y } q|psryt~ ~r y y|r.
- VK@r }wuu tu|p ptyxpy y tu|y y} tx}y |yq r qurp.


@tyxtpr|u~y@ yz q yx}y y ruu|y ~utp|v{y. Bq sr ptypz|r, xtp~yu qru~~s xtpr|u~y y|y y|xrp~yu }uu~twur y uuz@ru }wu rp} ~pzy quxu~z q xtpry qru~~ txuz y t~. Nu qzu r| {upyr~, y rp tp{ p~u ~uxpqrpu}}!

Dy{y R17 }yr
 baikalwheels.ru E-MAILWEB  - 2024/10/8() 10:36 -

   Npp {}p~y Baikal-Wheels up|yxu r{{puru~~u {rp~u ty{y ~p xp{px y {y |yu ty{y r }{ru@{u |pr ~ y |us{, y}yxyuz ty~p}yu{yu pp{uyy{y pr}qy|. Pyqup t{y r {}p~yy Baikal-Wheels, r |puu ~u |{ ruu~~u yxtu|y |y yxrtyu|uz, ~ y urt~u q|wyrp~yu tq~z tpr{z } { truy.

{~|py yp
 BrianOmike E-MAILWEB  - 2024/10/8() 10:07 -

   Hong Kong plans to install thousands of surveillance cameras. Critics say itfs more proof the city is moving closer to China
ptr{p u}uz~} tu|p} pxrt }{rp

Glance up while strolling through parts of downtown Hong Kong and, chances are, youfll notice the glassy black lens of a surveillance camera trained on the cityfs crowded streets.

And that sight will become more common in the coming years, as the cityfs police pursue an ambitious campaign to install thousands of cameras to elevate their surveillance capabilities.

Though it consistently ranks among the worldfs safest big cities, police in the Asian financial hub say the new cameras are needed to fight crime@and have raised the possibility of equipping them with powerful facial recognition and artificial intelligence tools.

Thatfs sparked alarm among some experts who see it as taking Hong Kong one step closer to the pervasive surveillance systems of mainland China, warning of the technologyfs repressive potential.

Hong Kong police had previously set a target of installing 2,000 new surveillance cameras this year, and potentially more than that each subsequent year. The force plans to eventually introduce facial recognition to these cameras, security chief Chris Tang told local media in July@adding that police could use AI in the future to track down suspects.
In a statement to CNN, the Hong Kong Police Force said it was studying how police in other countries use surveillance cameras, including how they use AI. But itfs not clear how many of the new cameras may have facial recognition capabilities, or whether therefs a timeline for when the tech will be introduced.

Tang and the Hong Kong police have repeatedly pointed to other jurisdictions, including Western democracies, that also make wide use of surveillance cameras for law enforcement. For instance, Singapore has 90,000 cameras and the United Kingdom has more than seven million, Tang told local newspaper Sing Tao Daily in June.

While some of those places, like the UK, have started using facial recognition cameras, experts say these early experiments have highlighted the need for careful regulation and privacy protections. Hong Kong police told CNN they would gcomply with relevant lawsh and follow strong internal guidelines@but havenft elaborated in depth on what that would look like.

Tiktok t
 CX^ E-MAILWEB  - 2024/10/8() 8:58 -

   No longer have to Youtube o^ w people be confined to their own voices though speaking to households, talking about organization matters or conducting lengthy-distance interviews.


BaikalWheels {rp~
 baikalwheels.ru E-MAILWEB  - 2024/10/8() 8:54 -

   E|y r yu ytp ~y{p|~ ru} pr}qy| y tu|p us qu~~}, ~p pzu baikalwheels.ru rp utpr|u p~ pr}qy|~u ty{y r16 {y@|~ }yr qu~tr. B {pp|su utpr|u~ p{yu yxrtyu|y, {p{ Replika, Nitro, Legeartis y K&K, {u yxru~ ~ptuw~. Qpx}u rpy 16 t 22 tz}r, xr|u tqp ytup|~u ty{y t| |q pr}qy|uz@ utp~r t r~utw~y{r.

BaikalWheels {pu
 baikalwheels.ru E-MAILWEB  - 2024/10/8() 8:18 -

   Npp {}p~y Baikal-Wheels utpr|u u}yp|~u {rp~u ty{y ~p xp{px y |yu ty{y r15@{u |yp ~ y |us{, |puz ty~p}yu{yu pp{uyy{y pr}qy|. Pyqup t{y r {}p~yy Baikal-Wheels, r |puu ~u |{ ruu~~u yxtu|y |y yxrtyu|uz, ~ y urt~u q|wyrp~yu tq~z tpr{z } { truy.

Ky ty{y R16 ~p
 baikalwheels.ru E-MAILWEB  - 2024/10/8() 8:02 -

   Npp {}p~y Baikal-Wheels up|yxu u}yp|~u {rp~u ty{y ~p xp{px y ty{y ~p pr 15 4 114.3@{u |yp ~ y |us{, rpuz ty~p}yu{yu pp{uyy{y pr}qy|. Pyqup t{y r {}p~yy Baikal-Wheels, r |puu ~u |{ {puru~~u yxtu|y |y yxrtyu|uz, ~ y r{{|p~z ury tq~z tpr{z } { truy.

Krp~u ty{y R20
 baikalwheels.ru E-MAILWEB  - 2024/10/8() 7:59 -

   Npp {}p~y Baikal-Wheels p{wu ut|pspu r{{puru~~u {rp~u ty{y ~p xp{px y ty{y {|u~u {y r q@{u |pr ~ y |us{, rpuz ty~p}yu{yu pp{uyy{y pr}qy|. Pyqup t{y r {}p~yy Baikal-Wheels, r |puu ~u |{ ruu~~u yxtu|y |y yxrtyu|uz, ~ y urt~u q|wyrp~yu tq~z tpr{z } { truy.

Tp{r~u }puyp
 DianeMeway E-MAILWEB  - 2024/10/8() 6:14 -

   p{r~z }puyp| {y r q

BaikalWheels tpw
 baikalwheels.ru E-MAILWEB  - 2024/10/8() 5:45 -

   E|y r yu tu{~ y| ru} pr}qy| y xtp ~ury}z qpx, ~p pzu baikalwheels.ru rp utpr|u p~ {y |yu r15 4x100@|~ }yr qu~tr. B {pp|su utpr|u~ p{yu yxrtyu|y, {p{ Replika, Nitro, Legeartis y K&K, {u yxru~ ~ptuw~. Qpx}u rpy 16 t 22 tz}r, }spu ~pzy ytup|~u ty{y t| |q pr}qy|uz@ utp~r t r~utw~y{r.

  VKe c[\ ꗗ\ gsbN\  ݒ ߋO z[  
16 / 500 ߰ @b@
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