BugBrowser BBS
  VKe c[\ ꗗ\ gsbN\  ݒ ߋO z[  
12 / 500 ߰ @b@

P}{t t| ~p
 Casinoencab E-MAILWEB  - 2025/1/25(y) 19:55 -

   Ps~p|y, y{pu|y prt!@Qusypy https://pitertehh.ru/viewtopic.php?id=10170#p28242 - ~u tpp xpr{y. ^ ~pyz y{|u~yu, stu {pwtu ru trywu~yu }wu p r~}.
Putpru: r - s|pr~z suz {}u~z ys, stu ru~ |w~y - }p{y}p|~z. Kpwtz rrutu~~z y}r|, {pwtp y~}py - ps { pwu~y y|y qutu. Kp{z p{{p~ xtp? Kp{yu | xp|~? Kp{ quxpy p{{p~?
` rp} q|u {pw - ~u ys{y { usypyy sr, {p{ { rpw~z qyru. Oqt}rp {pwt tup|, xtp p|u~pyr, tuwp { ~p |u. ^ ~u usypy - u|p qyrp xp rwyrp~yu r ty{} }yu ryp|~z up|~y.

{pxy~ y|} ~|pz~ r u} {puru, {pxy~ }u ~|pz~ r, {pxy~ r|{p~ ysru pr}p ysp ~|pz~ qux usypyy
{pxy~ ~|pz~ q}p~, ysp ~p tu~sy, {pxy~ ~|pz~ ysru pr}p ysp ~|pz~ qu|p~ qux usypyy
Vy ys!

Du{yz t{
 Aamevrwmh E-MAILWEB  - 2025/1/25(y) 18:54 -

   Looking for inspiration? Visit ge-sign.com to discover unique signature design options.

https://macoopa.fund/ticket/view/08544742 K}p~t~u ys
http://saytoot.com/ticket/view/75994600 Bu{p y tuu
https://dveri-metalliceskie.ru/blog/metallicheskie-dveri--samaya-nadezhnaya-zaschita#comment_544483 Xypu} r}uu

Rust~~ stp
 Aamfztnrt E-MAILWEB  - 2025/1/25(y) 18:41 -

   Need a quick and efficient way to design a signature? Try create signature for me. It's hassle-free and efficient.

https://zoomhaiti.com/ticket/view/96050185 R
https://capitalsedge.com/ticket/view/45194867 Py|p{y{p xpq|urp~yz
http://pghfoodtrucks.com/forumz/topic/hso-8-zlrm-wjp/?part=177#postid-1372321 Puy~p|~u qu~yu

Rxtp~yu p|p t|
 Glennvap E-MAILWEB  - 2025/1/25(y) 18:26 -

   Sru~u p|p t| rqp pq|u{@ s|pr~z ps { u~y up y{p y rqp }uty{p}u~r. Sp{z u rx}w~ |uxu~ {p{ }utyy~{y} uyp|yp}, p{ y {|yu~p}, }sp y} q ry{p ttyu upp r xpryy}y y uq~uz y ~y xtr.

D| us ~wu~ p|?

1. Tu~yu y{p:
- Ppyu~ y |u{py }s q {p y~}py ~w~ |u{prp, y {pxp~y y yr{pxp~y.

2. Rpr~u~yu uppr:
- Pp| xr|y pyyrp px~u |u{prp pr, u~u y yxrtyu|}, q|usy rq.

3. Pttuw{p quxp~y:
- Bx}w~ }p y~}pyy q~ u{p y tuzryy tsy}y uppp}y }wu yxquwp ~uspyr~ |utryz.

C|pr~u ~{yy p|p

1. Py{ y}}p}:
- P|xrpu|y }u rrty ry y}}, |u us p| qtu u{}u~trp ttyu }uty{p}u~.

2. Apxp tp~~ p}puryu{y utr:
- Pp| t|wu~ tuwp qy~ qpx tp~~ tup|~z y~}pyuz {pwt} uppu, r{|p {pxp~y, yr{pxp~y, txyr{y y q~u u{.

3. Oxr y uzy~sy:
- Bx}w~ pr| xr uppp }wu |xrpu|} tu|p q|uu q~rp~~z rq.

4. Bxpy}tuzryu rpp}y:
- Pp| }wu ut|psp rx}w~ {~|pyy {rp|yyyrp~~}y uy~p|p}y ~p rq{ }uty{p}u~r.

P|xrpu|{yz y~uuz

- Pz y y~yyr~ ~~z y~uuz:
P|xrpu|y t|w~ |us{ yu~yrp r uu. Xu{yu }u~ y y| x~pyu|~ y{.

- Mobile-friendly:
Pp| t|wu~ q tu~ }qy|~ zr, q pyu~ }s|y |xrp y} r |qu ru} y r |q} }uu.

Puy}urp y ~utp{y

- Puy}urp:
- Tu~yu up rqp p}puryu{y utr.
- Pru~yu rut}|u~~y }uty{p}u~p.
- Rqrrp~yu q|uu quxp~} y q~rp~~} y|xrp~y uppr.

- Nutp{y:
- Bx}w~ ~upr}u~s y|xrp~y y~, ~py}u, p}|uu~yu qux {~|pyy t{p.
- Nuqty} r ~~ q~r|u~y tp~~ |u{prp http://nishigai.co.jp/member/cms2/epad.cgi


Pp| t| rqp pq|u{ }wu p ~uxp}u~y}} y~}u~} {p{ t| pyu~r, p{ y t| }ut uyp|yr. O~ }wu quu ru}, yxquwp |y~y yq{ y uru~~ ry ru~ rut}|u~~y ru}u~~ }uty{p}u~p. C|pr~u@quuy pry|~z tt { pxpq{u y xp|~u~y up, q ~ tuzryu|~ y~y| |x.

Qpx|y~u tq{y
 Davidlop E-MAILWEB  - 2025/1/25(y) 16:14 -

   Emojinarium@ury t| qs y{p y}r|r }txy, y x~pu~yz y {tp t| rpr{y ~p pzu (r HTML). Qpx|y~u tq{y }twy y tq~z y{! https://hipolink.me/emojinarium

Qpp~r{p }uqu|y
 Thomasswott E-MAILWEB  - 2025/1/25(y) 15:23 -

   Qpp~r{p }uqu|y r {}~pu@ rpw~z pu{, {z r|yu ~p ~{y~p|~, {} y uy{ p~rp. Ppry|~z tt { sp~yxpyy }uqu|y }wu tu|p {}~p q|uu ~z y tq~z.

O~r~u y~y pp~r{y }uqu|y

1. Oq|ru u| y|xrp~y {}~p:
- D| ~pp|p t}pzu, {p{ qtu uq| {}~pp: t| tp, pq y|y yu}p suz.

2. Tyrpzu px}u y } {}~p:
- Ix}uu px}u {}~p y ~ppru r~y}p~yu ~p } y pyu{~u ~uq{~ru~~y.

3. U~{y~p|~u x~:
- Rxtpzu ~{y~p|~u x~, pxtu|yr }u ~p px~u q|py ({ y}u, t| pq y tp).

4. P{ trywu~y:
- Ttruu, }uwt ut}up}y }uqu|y tr|~ p~rp t| {}~s trywu~y.

Bpyp~ pp~r{y }uqu|y

1. K|pyu{p pp~r{p:
- Muqu| px}upu rt| u~, pr| u~p|~u p~r {}. ^ ptyy~~z rpyp~, {z tty t| q|y~rp {}~p.

2. @y}}uy~p pp~r{p:
- Muqu| p|pspu qux y}}uyy, tqpr| ty~p}y{ y ~xypx} { p~r.

3. Qpp~r{p y|xrp~yu} p{u~~ x~:
- Rtu|pzu p{u~~u x~ } {z }uqu|y y|y p{upr. K y}u, rtu|yu s| t| u~y {u|} y |p~w-|p}z.

4. Muqu| r u~u:
- Qpx}uyu }uqu| r u~u {}~p, qpx ~ quut{. ^ qu~~ pqpu r q|y p~rp.

Rru pp~r{u }uqu|y

- Bquyu y|:
P}~yu y|u y~uup; }uqu| t|w~p sp}~yrp qy} tyxpz~}.

- Oqpyu r~y}p~yu ~p ruu~yu:
Qp|wyu ut}u }uqu|y y }uy q ~y ~u uu{rp|y y~y{y rup y xtprp|y uuru~~u ruu~yu.

- I|xzu ~{y~p|~ }uqu|:
Muqu| ~u{|{y}y ~{y}y (~py}u, https://wodemeimei.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=61973 tyrp~-u|y) }spu {~}y }u.

- Nu pyu {uy}u~yrp:
Pqzu px|y~u rpyp~ y pp~r{y, t s u} http://parkhotel-saransk.ru/users/eribyw }x~ ~p t~}.

R pry|~} tt} { pp~r{u }uqu|y r }wuu uur|y r{ {}~p r ~u y ~{y~p|~u p~r!

Oyyu| pwurs
 JimmyMob E-MAILWEB  - 2025/1/25(y) 15:23 -

   Oyyu| pwurs y|p FLUX "TERMIT" 5|.
Ruyp|yxyrp~~u utr t| rp~r|u~y ~{y~p|~y
pwur y|r y {pp|yxpr. ^u{yr~ r tp|u~yy pwy, }pu| y
p{r ~usurus |yrp. Rpr }w~ y|xrp }~s{p~,
tty t| ru yr yu} DPF r tyxu|~ tryspu|. B uu~yu 12 pr tyspu |~s (t 100%) yu~y
|wu~yz r pwur y|p y {pp|yxpp, rp~pr|yrp y ~{y~p|~. Lus{ }rpu } rt.
I}uu r{ |uu. Auxpu~ t| y|r y {pp|yxpr. Ptty t| us|~s y}u~u~y.
Du}~yrp pwurz y| y p~ry xps|{ ~p t~ yx us ruyz. Hp|~y ~uqty}} {|yur}
yyu|. Opry pwurz y|, xp|~u~~z yyu|u}, ~p 10@12 pr. R|y ypyz pr. P}
y| ~z rtz. Tp~ry y| ~p }u. Py rx}w~y xpy typs~y{. D{pu r~u
y|xrp~yu ypuz wyt{y, y uv {puru~~z y|pyy y|xrp~yu} y|y |u}u~r.
Op~u ruur. Py {~p{u s|pxp}y y|y {wuz }wu rxrp y}yu{yu wsy. Bx}w~ pxtpwu~y ru~y
tpu|~ uz. Qu{}u~tu y|xrp xpy~u {y y up{y r ru} pq. Nu rtp p.
E|y utr p| r s|pxp y|y ~p {w, |utu pu|~ } q|y} {|yur} rt.
Vp~y r ~ut~} t| tuuz }uu.
Vp~y r ruy{p|~} |wu~yy y u}upu {| }30C, rtp|y y~y{r s~ y sy ut}ur.
@}y~y >30%, NP@B <5%.
24 }up
Ky }w~

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Buu qpxrp~yu
 Aarnfbphr E-MAILWEB  - 2025/1/25(y) 14:12 -

   Want to stand out? create your signature lets you design a signature that reflects your personality.

http://thanksafrica.egreef.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=05_01_new&wr_id=408182 Auxp~ wyx~y
http://shijiro.utmall.com/viewthread.php?tid=348357&extra= Pyt~u r|u~y
http://xn--oy2b17l86fxrg95g.com/bbs/board.php?bo_table=photo&wr_id=771 I~u~u-quxp~

Pytp y {|sy
 Aawqiujby E-MAILWEB  - 2025/1/25(y) 14:00 -

   Your search for the perfect signature tool ends at ge-sign. This platform offers simple solutions for creating your signature.

http://xn--939amz0q665aejg0vhfj9a.com/bbs/board.php?bo_table=request&wr_id=166286 Xyp |p~up
http://8.udacniki.z8.ru/blog/podarki-dlya-chempionov-osennyaya-aktsiya-na-benzopily-champion#comment_1134887 P|ux~u |pzp{y
http://songyeon.com/bbs/board.php?bo_table=sub0402&wr_id=7618 Qpqyu |pzp{y

P}{t y q~:
 Casinoencab E-MAILWEB  - 2025/1/25(y) 13:07 -

Rust~ sry} }, {p{ utu|y ~pyz yyp|~z pz uty }~wurp ttu|{. Buy urz pruz |{u http://forum.omnicomm.pro/index.php/topic - uqu twu.
K|uru - w~ y {zryu. Rur u{yu yx~p{y, {} }w~ rry ~ptuw~ up. Qu ztu }u|{y, ~ u~ {|ur tup|.
X ruu} r ur uut:
- D}u~ y us yy
- Np|yyu SSL-uyy{pp
- K~p{~u tp~~u
- Qu{ryxy {}p~yy
- Oxr up|~ |xrpu|uz
Mz |y~z p|sy} - rustp tu|p {y~, ru uux ~uxpryy}u y~y{y y~}pyy. Ny{p{y y}y~~ uu~yz!

ysp {pxy~ ys ~|pz~, ysp {pxy~ r|{p~ ~|pz~ qu|p~ {pxy~, yz{yz {pxy~ ~|pz~
ysru pr}p {pxy~ ~|pz~ qu|p~ qux usypyy, yyp|~z pz, xp{~ ~|pz~ {pxy~
Vy ys!

} t{|u~yu {p
 PeterFoulk E-MAILWEB  - 2025/1/25(y) 12:58 -

   } {p~tp
} t{|u~yu {p~tp

Kp{ Hpzy ~p A|u{
 Rogermak E-MAIL  - 2025/1/25(y) 10:47 -

   D| ~pp|p xpty} ~p |pt{:

Hpty} ~p ysy~p|~ |{:

R|{p https://bs1site.at

RR\LK@ TOR: blackpxl62pgt3ukyuifbg2mam3i4kkegdydlbbojdq4ij4pqm2opmyd.onion

Oyyp|~z pz Blacksprut

A|u{R yyp|~p |{p

Kp{ xpzy ~p tp{~u }p{u|uz A|u{R


B z pu } tq~ p{pwu}, {p{ xpzy ~p tp{~u }p{u|uz A|u{R. B x~puu, {p{ y|xrp yyp|~u xu{p|p BlackSprut, |{y ~p pz A|u{R y q quxp~s tp uux SOQ y VPN. A|u{R r|u t~y} yx ~pyq|uu |~ tp{~u }p{u|uzr, y t { ~u} uqu utu|u~~ x~p~yz y }u utw~y.

X p{u A|u{R?

A|u{R (BlackSprut) - tp{~u }p{u|uz, ut|pspyz y{yz py}u~ rpr y |s. Ix-xp ruz yt y tuwp~y t { A|u{R ur|u uux uy yp onion, quuyrpyu p~~y}~ |xrpu|uz.

Kp{ xpzy ~p A|u{R: psy y y~{yy

Yps 1: Tp~r{p SOQ qpxup

Pur} ps} t| tp { A|u{R uux SOQ r|u p~r{p SOQ qpxup. ^ uyp|yxyrp~~z qpxu, {z xr|u p~~y}~ xpty ~p pz r onion-uy.

R{ppzu SOQ qpxu yyp|~s pzp Tor Project.

Tp~ryu qpxu ~p rp {}u y|y }qy|~u zr.

Hpyu SOQ qpxu.

Yps 2: I|xrp~yu yyp|~s xu{p|p BlackSprut

D| tp { A|u{R rpw~ y|xrp |{ ruu~~u y yyp|~u |{y. Oyyp|~u xu{p| BlackSprut spp~yu quxp~z t y xpy yy~sr pzr.

Oyyp|~p |{p ~p A|u{R qtu y}u }p.onion. Npy}u, |{p ~p pz A|u{R }wu rs|tu p{:

Hu{p|p pzp A|u{R quuyrp uxur~z t r |pu q|{yr{y ~r~s pzp. Npy}u, xu{p| A|u{R uux SOQ:

Yps 3: Pt{|u~yu uux VPN

D| t|~yu|~z quxp~y u{}u~tu y|xrp VPN.

Bquyu ~ptuw~z VPN ury.

Pt{|yu { VPN uut xp{} SOQ qpxup.

O{zu SOQ qpxu y rrutyu yyp|~z ptu A|u{R.

Yps 4: Auxp~z t { A|u{R uux onion

Kstp r y|xuu SOQ qpxu y yyp|~u xu{p| A|u{R, rpw~ |utrp }up} utw~y:

Pruzu URL ~p ~p|yyu yq{ y t|y~~y.

I|xzu VPN t| t|~yu|~z xpy.

Nu rrtyu |y~u tp~~u ~p txyu|~ pzp.

Xp xptprpu}u r

Kp{ |y t { A|u{R uux onion?

D| tp { A|u{R uux onion u ~uqty} y|xrp SOQ qpxu y yyp|~u |{y ~p pz A|u{R. Pt{|u~yu uux VPN p{wu u{}u~tu t| xpy rpuz p~~y}~y.

Kp{ xpzy ~p BlackSprut quxp~?

Xq quxp~ xpzy ~p BlackSprut, y|xzu SOQ qpxu, t{|pzu uux VPN, y ruzu yyp|~u xu{p|p pzp A|u{R. Ny{stp ~u uutyu txyu|~} |{p}.

X p{u xu{p| A|u{R?

Hu{p| A|u{R - p|u~pyr~z ptu pzp, y|xu}z t| quuu~y tp r |pu q|{yr{y ~r~s pzp. Hu{p| BlackSprut uux SOQ }spu |xrpu|} |y t { }p{u|uz, p~ y p~~y}~.

Suu r x~puu, {p{ xpzy ~p tp{~u }p{u|uz A|u{R, y|x yyp|~u xu{p|p y |{y. R|utzu y} y~{y} y q|tpzu }u utw~y, q quuy r quxp~ r tp{~uu. Oyyp|~z pz BlackSprut y us xu{p|p uux SOQ y VPN }s rp} |y t { A|u{R, prp p~~y}~} y xpyu~~}.

blacksprutblack sprut|{y q|{y r q 2024|{p ~p q|u{pqp |{p q|u{|{y q|u{q|u{ p{p|~p |{pq|u{ |{p bs0best q|u{|{y q|u{q|u{ pzq|u{ yyp|~z pzq|u{ rt{p{ xpzy ~p q|u{{p{ xpzy ~p q|{q|{ rtq|{ |{pq|{ ~y~q|{ tp{~uq|{ tp{~uq|{ blacksprut tp{~u qx p~~y}~z tp{~u |pt{ybs {p{ xpzybs at {p{ xpzy ~p pzbs rtbs |{pblacksprut darknetblacksprutblacksprut xu{p|pblacksprut |{pblacksprut pzxu{p|p blacksprut rusff{p{ xpzy ~p blacksprutblacksprut yyp|~zblacksprut com xu{p|blacksprut xu{p|p ~y~2fa blacksprutpqp blacksprut{t blackspruthttps blacksprut{p{ xpzy ~p blacksprut rusffyyp|~p |{p ~p blacksprutblacksprut }p{u|uzpquu xu{p| blacksprut{p{ xpzy ~p pz blacksprut2fa {t blackspruthttp blacksprutblacksprut bs0best atblacksprut p{p|~u blacksprutblacksprut |{p rusffbs2best at |{p blacksprutblacksprut p{p|~p |{ptor blacksprutblacksprut com xu{p| rusffhttps blacksprut |{pblacksprut xu{p|p ~y~ rusffblacksprut |pt{ybs1site at |{p blacksprutblacksprut netblacksprut rtyyp|~p |{p ~p blacksprut rusffblacksprut blacksprut clickblacksprut bs0tor atblacksprut yyp|~z pzblacksprut |{p {p{ xpzy ~p pz blacksprut rusffblacksprut https bs1site atblacksprut http bs0best athttp blacksprut |{pp{{p~ blacksprutpquu xu{p| blacksprut rusffhttps bs2site at |{p blacksprutbs0best at |{p blacksprut http bs2best atblacksprut 2blacksprut |{p blacksprut darknetyyp|~p |{p ~p blacksprutblacksprut |{p rusffbs0best at |{p blacksprutblacksprut p{p|~p |{phttps blacksprut |{pbs1site at |{p blacksprutyyp|~p |{p ~p blacksprut rusffhttp blacksprut |{phttps bs1site at |{p blacksprutbs0best at |{p blacksprut http bs0best atblacksprut |{p tortor blacksprutblacksprut |{p torblacksprut |{p tor bs2tor nltor blacksprut rusffblacksprut xu{p|p torsprutblack sprut

Rtu~u{yu qt~y
 Aavzbetvx E-MAILWEB  - 2025/1/25(y) 9:31 -

   If you're planning to craft your own unique mark, create sign is here to guide you. It's straightforward and fun.

https://www.theycallmedaymz.com/amy/#comment-1057927 Du{yz t{
https://knigamp3.ru/audio-29433-sistema-bogov-i-demonov-1-chast Supp|~u u}u
https://lankaptc.lk/ticket/view/64927326 K}u|sy

Bt~u ryt p
 Aaqqfxvtu E-MAILWEB  - 2025/1/25(y) 8:40 -

   Looking for a way to create your own personal style? create signature can help you accomplish that goal. It's the perfect tool to express your individuality.

https://proid.co.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=qa&wr_id=182475 N}yx}py{p
http://kyeongbo.com/bbs/board.php?bo_table=gallery&wr_id=2316 Gu|ux~p tsp
https://streetrac1ng.3dn.ru/forum/6-3-302#8718 create initials signature

P}{t - ru
 Casinoencab E-MAILWEB  - 2025/1/25(y) 7:20 -

   Wassup, suz}u!
Qusypy - ~u xp|~u~yu uut~z }. ^ u|z y{|u~yu http://vrn.best-city.ru/forum/thread540129056/, stu {pwtu uu~yu }wu p {yyu{y rpw~}. Mpup x~p: pry|~p usypy - urz ps { qutu.
Py|sy usypyy ~p}y~pu |p~yrp~yu tr. Nw~ qt}p ru psy y {pwt tup|. Kp{z |u{~~z rz y{ rqp? Kp{yu | xp|~? Kp{ y~ }u quxp~y? ^y r uq pusyu{s pup y p~p|yxp.
Mz }~s|u~yz t{pxrpu: ~y{stp ~u yu. Kpwtp }u| }wu p upy} }}u~}. Bpw~ p~ qp|p~ }uwt pxqyr y r~y}pu|~.

ysp ~|pz~ {pxy~ rrt}, ~|pz~ {pxy~ r|{p~ ysp r ysru pr}p qu|p~ qux usypyy, uzy~s ~|pz~ {pxy~ |y
~|pz~ ysp qux usypyy {pxy~, ysp qu|p~, ~|pz~ {pxy~ 5
Vy ys!

`{ u} ry{|y{p
 AndrewKiz E-MAILWEB  - 2025/1/25(y) 6:50 -

   K|y ruu qrp|p ~p uyrp| @xz{ }xy{y rt SFF Asian Department, rt|p, ~qy tw x~y}y {p~p}y @x, ~pr ~u xp|ypy }p. Kw~p }u|t, {wu~ xr{ rtqpwpr qpspr {|y s tyrryw~s us~. Suu x ~uu~~} u{p ~p~ t. A|u }pzq~ xpty }w~p tx~py .

 Aaskmvmmx E-MAILWEB  - 2025/1/25(y) 4:00 -

   Make your initials pop with create initials signature. This platform enables you to design something memorable.

http://incotec.ru/products/tek-sibir/#comment_912072 Muty{y qu~y
http://web068.dmonster.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=notice&wr_id=581963 Pytp y {|sy
http://arenda-spetstehniki.org/sankt-peterburg/ooo-maksi-teh-servis.html#comment_13815 Bu|yut~u trywu~yu

} u|urytu~yu
 AltonhEirm E-MAILWEB  - 2025/1/25(y) 1:02 -

   pz } {u}ur
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 Josephget E-MAILWEB  - 2025/1/25(y) 0:37 -

   Medical staff on the front line of the battle against mpox in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have told the BBC they are desperate for vaccines to arrive so they can stem the rate of new infections.
At a treatment centre in South Kivu province that the BBC visited in the epicentre of the outbreak, they say more patients are arriving every day - especially babies - and there is a shortage of essential equipment.

Mpox - formerly known as monkeypox - is a highly contagious disease and has killed at least 635 people in DR Congo this year.
Even though 200,000 vaccines, donated by the European Commission, were flown into the capital, Kinshasa, last week, they are yet to be transported across this vast country - and it could be several weeks before they reach South Kivu.
gWe've learned from social media that the vaccine is already available,h Emmanuel Fikiri, a nurse working at the clinic that has been turned into a specialist centre to tackle the virus, told the BBC.
He said this was the first time he had treated patients with mpox and every day he feared catching it and passing it on to his own children - aged seven, five and one.
gYou saw how I touched the patients because that's my job as a nurse. So, we're asking the government to help us by first giving us the vaccines.h
The reason it will take time to transport the vaccines is that they need to be stored at a precise temperature - below freezing - to maintain their potency, plus they need to be sent to rural areas of South Kivu, like Kamituga, Kavumu and Lwiro, where the outbreak is rife.
The lack of infrastructure and bad roads mean that helicopters could possibly be used to drop some of the vaccines, which will further drive up costs in a country that is already struggling financially.
At the community clinic, Dr Pacifique Karanzo appeared fatigued and downbeat having been rushed off his feet all morning.
Although he wore a face shield, I could see the sweat running down his face. He said he was saddened to see patients sharing beds.
gYou will even see that the patients are sleeping on the floor,h he told me, clearly exasperated.
gThe only support we have already had is a little medicine for the patients and water. As far as other challenges are concerned, there's still no staff motivation.h


 DavidDiuct E-MAILWEB  - 2025/1/25(y) 0:22 -

   Medical staff on the front line of the battle against mpox in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have told the BBC they are desperate for vaccines to arrive so they can stem the rate of new infections.
At a treatment centre in South Kivu province that the BBC visited in the epicentre of the outbreak, they say more patients are arriving every day - especially babies - and there is a shortage of essential equipment.

Mpox - formerly known as monkeypox - is a highly contagious disease and has killed at least 635 people in DR Congo this year.
Even though 200,000 vaccines, donated by the European Commission, were flown into the capital, Kinshasa, last week, they are yet to be transported across this vast country - and it could be several weeks before they reach South Kivu.
gWe've learned from social media that the vaccine is already available,h Emmanuel Fikiri, a nurse working at the clinic that has been turned into a specialist centre to tackle the virus, told the BBC.
He said this was the first time he had treated patients with mpox and every day he feared catching it and passing it on to his own children - aged seven, five and one.
gYou saw how I touched the patients because that's my job as a nurse. So, we're asking the government to help us by first giving us the vaccines.h
The reason it will take time to transport the vaccines is that they need to be stored at a precise temperature - below freezing - to maintain their potency, plus they need to be sent to rural areas of South Kivu, like Kamituga, Kavumu and Lwiro, where the outbreak is rife.
The lack of infrastructure and bad roads mean that helicopters could possibly be used to drop some of the vaccines, which will further drive up costs in a country that is already struggling financially.
At the community clinic, Dr Pacifique Karanzo appeared fatigued and downbeat having been rushed off his feet all morning.
Although he wore a face shield, I could see the sweat running down his face. He said he was saddened to see patients sharing beds.
gYou will even see that the patients are sleeping on the floor,h he told me, clearly exasperated.
gThe only support we have already had is a little medicine for the patients and water. As far as other challenges are concerned, there's still no staff motivation.h


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